Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Thinking About Thinking

I would never want to tell you what to think, any more than try to tell you what to do. What to eat. What to buy. Who to Fuck. These are your decisions, not mine. You don’t even have to think at all, for fuck’s sake. Living your best life without thinking might make me a little jealous, but I wouldn’t ever seek to deprive you of that joy.

But I will urge you one thing. If you choose to think, think for yourself. The act of Thinking is, again, completely optional. I don’t judge you for your ability to turn off the silent, running commentary in your head. Go for it.

But please don’t try to sell me someone else’s thoughts if you have none of your own. Chances are I’ve already heard their opinion…maybe even from them. Nobody likes an unsolicited parrot, pretending to be something they are not. ~jg

“Today may not feel like Tuesday. But what is Tuesday supposed to feel like, anyway?
…Talk amongst yourselves.”

Authors Note: All opinions expressed here are just that: opinions. If you don’t like mine, I probably won’t like yours either. Let’s just nod, and walk away. Maybe come back with solutions instead of opinions. Because of the two, only solutions actually matter

More: https://jamiegraymusic.com/wordpress/2022/04/thinking-about-thinking/

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Introspective Thought of the Day

I think I spent a lot of time trying to be the best version of myself that I could be, rather than just being myself. ~jg

#justthinking #deepthought #whatever

Meet Jack, the Big Black Cock (Jersey Giant we think).

Authors Note: All opinions expressed here are just that: opinions. If you don’t like mine, I probably won’t like yours either. Let’s just nod, and walk away. Maybe come back with solutions instead of opinions. Because of the two, only solutions actually matter.

More: https://jamiegraymusic.com/wordpress/2022/04/introspective-thought-of-the-day/