Monday, July 17, 2023

it's not about abortion

Dear Christian Friends,
There's a lot more to it than abortion. Nobody wants to have one of those anyway. It's really about Christian values. It's a WWJD question.

Should you vote for the party that wants to feed the poor, heal the sick, and welcome the immigrant? Who accept all people as equal, regardless of religion or gender or skin tones?

Or should you choose the 'Good Guys', the one's in Red Hats, who think they have the right to force their 'Christian' beliefs upon all American women? Upon the rest of secular America. It's not the Beliefs, it's the forcing. Don't let them lie to you: Christians aren't hated for what they believe. It's more what they DO in "God's Name" that pisses people off. 

At some point, you gotta ask yourself honestly: How would you like it if someone forced YOU to join the Satanic Temple? Or if they changed The Pledge to "One Nation, Under Allah" and forced you to say it. Or put "In Beelzebub We Trust" on the Greenback? Putting 666 on every bill, coin or credit card?

Because if you allow them to do it in Jesus name, they could do it in Lucifer's in 2028, right? We'd all be much better off, by the way, because the Satanic Temple would allow us freedom to worship as (or IF) we please. #FirstAmendmentRights are important, right? 

But finally, it's your choice to make. Decide wisely, while you still have a choice. Re-read that last Book in your Bible (before they censor IT...again) and maybe seek God's advice, if you STILL have doubts. You don't need me to tell you what it says about...well, you know. #AwakeNotWoke 

Friday, January 13, 2023

Independent Voters Unite

It’s time. Time for The Independent Party – A small, but strong group of Independent candidates, who could essentially become the swing vote in Congress on every major issue. A few members of Congress just proved how powerful a small coalition can be.

The creation of a third party that represents those independent votes, with only a few Congress members in a nearly 50/50 Congress, could result in those votes becoming the deciding votes. A couple Senators and a handful of Congress members is all it would take.

We, the educated, thinking class of America, could take out rightful place as the decision makers in this deeply disturbed land. It’s time we stop letting partisan idiots and fools make the important decisions that matter to ALL Americans.

Jamie Gray. Voter. Conjurer of Bytes, Notes & Words. Seeker of Truth, Peace, & Harmony. Read the full post:

Authors Note: All opinions expressed here are just that: opinions. If you don’t like mine, I probably won’t like yours either. Let’s just nod, and walk away. Maybe come back with solutions instead of opinions. Because of the two, only solutions actually matter.


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Merry Solstice

Jesus didn’t die for my sins.
Jesus was murdered because he stood up for the poor; killed because he championed the ‘unclean’; the immigrants; the needy.

Jesus was assassinated by the church for doing good and preaching peace, targeted because he threatened their profits and the status quo.

Jesus died because he spoke truth to power. Then his killers created a bunch of lies and rules in His Name, that they’ve used ever since to exploit the uneducated, rather than teach them to be free.

Merry Christmas. May the Truth actually set you free. Happy Solstice. May the rebirth begin.


Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year 2023

I am ready. Time to say “fuck off and die” to 2022. I don’t make resolutions, but this year needs to be a better one, so I’m choosing to sculpt a better future in my mind, and watch it appear in my life.
2023: It begins. #newyear

Bianchi Particular is hard to find in the US. Gotta go to Buenos Aires.
