Friday, March 31, 2017

There Are Now 100 Scientific Studies Proving Cannabis Cures Cancer

Interestingly, the arch conservatives still try to use the same old bullshit lies to scare off the future of legalized cannabis. Deniers arguments aside, like Climate Change, the science is very real. The studies, though discarded by the US Government because they were done “illegally” (a catch 22 because of federal law out of step with 44 of 50 States), are VERY real and definitive.
Cannabis Cures. Get over it and let us have it.
#CannabisCures #MMJ #MedicalMarijuana #LegalizeIt


This Republican Congressman quoted the Bible to justify denying poor people food

I say, what the fuck happened to separation of church and state? Do Congressmen routinely use the Bible as a basis for legislation?
As far a I know, The Bible is not a legally binding document or authority for ANY purpose according to the Constitution, and presenting it as such in Congress should get this fuckhead tossed out on his ass. Real Christians and Non-Christians alike, we see your hypocrisy and call you on your bullshit. Your feeble attempt at using the Bible to justify your stupidity should get you kicked out of Congress for subverting the Bill of Rights.
PS…There’s already a work requirement on SNAP.


Afghans deported from Europe arrive home, to war and unemployment

Can you imagine. You make it out. Escape death. Get all the way to Europe, sure you will be free from the horrors of war and death back “home” in Afghanistan…and then…they fucking send you back. ARRRRGGGHHH!!!!
#refugees #EU #Afghanistan #europe


Wearing Socks Changed This Pug’s Life

Awwwwww. Too cutes.
I wonder if Gary would take to socks…these days he slips and slides all over the floors. As funny he looks when his feet slip out and he unexpectedly lands on his belly, you feel way too bad for him to laugh 🙁


Journalists allege threat of drone execution by US

Honestly, I’m surprised our courts are not filled with hundreds of legal actions against drone murders. For the past 8 years, Obama, and now Trump, have been using drones to murder suspected terrorists. No trial. No jury. Just silent death from above.
Execution by drone, without trial or inquisition, based solely on intel, is NOT the American way. It’s frontier justice justice, justified by the name of “war crimes”, when no war has been declared.
NOTHING is more un-American than Trial by Drone. Who have we become, America?
#TrialByDrone #DroneMurder #Executions #Assassination


Streaming Music Is Top Music Industry Revenue Generator

In case you haven’t heard, streaming is the new music cash cow…at least for the RIAA backed major labels. Though I have to doubt the live concert is dead, because for most bands, the gigs are still what pays the bills.


Tibetan Lama gives up monkhood for marriage and people love it

Love wins!
I’ve never understood why religions insist one choose between holiness and happiness. Actually, I do understand: It’s about sexism. Those evil women always trying to distract the most holy men from reaching true enlightenment…sure…it’s the women that cause all the evil in the world.
Personally, I’d say that maintaining the delicate balance within, between the masculine and feminine, is the TRUE struggle we humans face. True enlightenment must embrace both the masculine and feminine of humanity, achieving harmony between the two within one’s soul.


Black Insomnia, the world’s strongest coffee, is not for the faint of heart

The world’s strongest coffee?
I guess I’d like to try it, but I doubt anyone would want it for their “everyday” brew.
#coffee #java #BlackInsomnia


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Climate change: China calls US ‘selfish’ after Trump seeks to bring back coal

Wow. China is mocking us. China, the Capitol of which, Beijing, has many days where it’s dangerous to go outside due to air pollution, is mocking Trump for taking a huge step backwards towards coal.
Coal doesn’t solve ANY problems. And there’s no such thing as “clean coal”, the cleanest of which is filthy compared with Natural Gas.
Coal, by the way, is a major reason China’s air is so fucked, and why they are rapidly switching to solar and wind powered generation, and leaving us behind.
The good news is, we’ll probably be able to buy cheap, Chinese made solar equipment soon. Really soon, because China doesn’t fuck around once they decide to do something.
The bad news is, our American solar industry is about to get fucked up the ass by cheap Chinese solar, thanks to this timely help from Trump. Give it time…I’m sure he’ll say China is trying to steal American jobs and offer to make solar hardware more expensive with a border tax.
Meanwhile, we could be swimming in new jobs and cheap power, leading the world in alternative energy, spawning job creation and… tax revenue. #ThankTrump #Impeach45


U.S. airstrikes have killed more and more civilians in Iraq and Syria since Trump took office

Umm…Because the Commander in Chief told them to “bomb the shit” out of them and simply doesn’t give a fuck because they aren’t white, Christian, Americans?!? That MIGHT have something to do with it.

“While on the campaign trail in late 2015, Donald Trump pledged to “bomb the shit” out of ISIS if he became president. Now, a couple of months after he took office, reports of civilian deaths from U.S. strikes in Syria and Iraq have hit an all-time high. Why exactly that is, however, remains unclear.”


Trump admin wants to lift conditions on human rights for F-16 sales to Bahrain – reports

If you sell someone a gun, and they shoot a child, it’s not your fault. Unless they’ve shot children before. Hundreds of children. Then, if you sell them a gun, every child they kill is blood on your hands as well as the shooters’.

If you’re selling F-16s, it’s no different. You just have the potential for a LOT more blood on your hands. And if YOU are the US Government, then that blood is on the hands of ALL of America. That blood need never spill, nor become a stain of guilt on the American people. Just say #NoSale


The creator of “Cards Against Humanity” is threatening to buy and expose US Congress members’ browsing history

That oughta teach Congress to sell our browsing history to the highest bidder.
Let’s see what Congress has been surfing in the wee hours. That should be interesting. Real interesting. And probably gross. Ewwww.


Please Stop Asking Morgan Freeman To Record Your Voicemail Messages

Some people can be ridiculously annoying around celebrities. It’s weird what hero worship can do to the psyche, changing people from sensible adults to autograph/selfie crazed, memento seeking fools. Imagine for a second what that movie star was thinking about you as she practically ran away from your annoying siege. Nice impression you left, I’m sure.
Why not have some fucking self respect instead?…You could make a new friend instead of sending a celebrity running for cover.


Brand New Colossus: A Statue of Liberty Revival Amid Immigration Woes

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free … ”

The very essence of America, the antithesis of the Trump doctrine: fear, hate and deportation.


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

How your cheap Chinese-made products may be killing thousands in China

Not coincidentally, also why China will soon be leaps and bounds ahead of us in alternative, clean energy sources…while Trump seeks to march the USA directly backwards, into the good old days of fossil fuel mania, polluted skies and befouled water.


Can Marijuana Replace Lost Steel Jobs? Pennsylvania Town Has High Hopes.

If you ask me, the hemp/marijuana industry could replace a bunch of coal jobs too. Cannabis can help us do what makes sense: switch to cleaner, cheaper, less environmentally damaging fuels for energy. #News420


Since 2007, the DEA has taken $3.2 billion in cash from people not charged with a crime

Truly one of the greatest breaches of public trust by our government in recent times…Or possibly ever. No doubt Trumpy will let it ride and look for stupid ass ways to waste the ill gotten ‘revenue’ on building nukes and walls and shit we don’t need. How about building some schools and filling them with books and well paid, well educated teachers instead? Or not taking the money in the first place…money that you have no proof is ‘dirty’ or involved in a crime. That would be good too.


Uranus Smells Like Farts

Somehow, I think we always knew it, didn’t we?
#Uranus #UranusSmellsLikeFarts


Stunning art blog tells the stories of immigrant cab drivers from around the world

Immigrants made America great and continue to make America great.
Taxi drivers are among the most interesting humans in the world…I’ve heard some of the most amazing stories sitting in the back of a cab, because cabbies have literally seen it all.


Robots to deliver pizza, lulling us into food-comas for eventual takeover

Submit to your Robot Pizza Delivery Lords!


Waze lets you order coffee and a donut from Dunkin’ before you get there

That seems like a handy add in. I’m gonna have to pre-order coffee and snacks on my next road trip 🙂 Waze is awesome.
#waze #DunkinDonuts


The 265 members of Congress who sold you out to ISPs, and how much it cost to buy them

Wanna know which members of Congress took the most bribes to sell out your privacy?
Well here you go!
#FCC #congress #internet


Indonesian farmer swallowed whole by 23-foot-long python

Holy crap. That’s one big man-eating snake.
Note to self: Avoid Indonesia


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Robots do destroy jobs and lower wages, says new study

First they take your job. Then, when AI and robotics inevitably merge, and we are eventually forced into submission to the supreme robot overlords, they will try to steal the very soul of humanity.
Just say #NoRobotOverlords


Out-of-this-world possibilities: A look at life-sustaining planets beyond Earth (Paid content by EA Mass Effect Andromeda)

Are we alone? Sure. Humanity is the center of the Universe. We must certainly be THE ONLY intelligent lifeforms in the ENTIRE Universe.
Seriously. Based on the unbelieveably slow progress we as as species have made over the past what, several thousands of years, I would put us, at BEST at the low-end of average of all species in the Universe. A solid C- for humanity.
Seriously…I pray there are more evolved, more intelligent beings than Us out there. Somewhere. Please?!?


Vermont bill would legalize small amounts of marijuana

House lawmakers in Vermont are expected to vote on a measure to legalize the use and possession of small amounts of marijuana for adults.


Climate Change Deniers Think Polar Bears Are Thriving in a Melting Arctic

Because they are uninformed. Anyone who looks at the science objectively can at least see indications for concern. To see the complete opposite of the truth requires faith in a ‘special’ kind of science. A science where you start with what you want to believe is true, and then create studies to back up your position, ignoring any facts that don’t fit with your theorem to eventually arrive at your ‘proven’ science-based ‘truth’… You know that isn’t actually science, right?


Trump’s Latest Executive Order Guts Obama-Era Environmental Protections

It’s completely fucked that a President has the power to fuck things up so badly. What about checks and balances? Congress is a loss. The only hope are the courts, and he’s rapidly gutting their judicial future by stacking the benches. THIS is why we need a 3 party system. This type of power grab couldn’t happen without the bipolar partisanship that both parties love so fucking much.


NYPD detective arrested for masturbating while looking through child’s window

Fucking asshole. What the fuck is wrong with your deviant ass?!? #ProtectAndPerve
#NYPD #sexualPredator #NYPedo


Dangerous security flaw discovered in smart commercial dishwasher

Well, I for one am glad that our dishwasher is as dumb as fuck. There’s a growing case to be made for cheap, dumb appliances in this age where everything in the Internet of Things is connected and potentially abused by hackers on either side of the law.
Choose your new appliances carefully!

#IoT #privacy #security


Monday, March 27, 2017

I love ???? sneaking pictures when he’s lost in his own musical ???? world, and he doesn’t know I’m watching. ~Meshelly

I love ???? sneaking pictures when he’s lost in his own musical ???? world, and he doesn’t know I’m watching.
~Meshelly Jamie Gray


High Tech: How Marijuana Legalization Breeds Innovation

Every new industry is an opportunity for innovation, and as the cannabis industry gets out from under the shadow of demonization, new weed-related startups will create thousands of jobs and billions in revenues.

Still scratching my head, looking for the right idea, but it’s pretty clear that the time to come up with that genius money-making idea for when weed is legal…the time is right NOW.


The world’s largest dinosaur tracks have been found, and a human can fit in them

Some major league reptiles for sure.
Can you imagine the CO2 output for each dinosaur fart? #ClimateChange would have been epic.


Bill would protect states from federal marijuana crackdown

I have great hope that the coming showdown will result in the Federal government giving way to the rights of the 44 states that have a LOT to lose until federal and state policies are aligned. It’s coming. I can smell it,and it smells pretty skunky.

“Now that 44 states have legalized marijuana to some extent, the federal government needs to look at the failed drug policies of the past and operate differently”, Rohrabacher said.



On A Sunny Day (Original Song)

OK…so i didn’t win the NPR contest, but I did make a new video, so there’s that 🙂
Please share if you like it!
#music #indie #video #youtube


Extremely Graphic Body Cam Footage Shows Cops Publicly Execute Unarmed Teen

This is still happening way too often. I wonder what Trump intends to do about it. No, no I don’t. I’m sure he’ll do as little as possible.

This is NOT an issue that should divide America along party lines. Black lives, Blue lives, Gay lives…They ALL matter. ALL lives matter, and everything should be done to protect BOTH the police and the unarmed victims of hatred, and perpetrators must be punished when they cross the line…no matter who they are.


21 Moments From “The Simpsons” That Apply To Every Moment Of Your Life

If we all lived our lives like the Simpsons, we’d all be pretty fucked.
But hey…why not use these lovable yellow cartoon freaks to sum up the human condition.
Yeah that’s right. Are we not Homer?
#Doh! #TheSimpsons


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Nearly 1 out of every 3 days he has been president, Trump has visited a Trump property

Wow. We’re really supporting the Trump family now. The Trump companies must be literally raking in the cash, which must be making Trump’s kids some phat profits.


Colorado pot clubs bill passes through House committee, showdown with governor likely

#news420 Colorado pot clubs bill passes through House committee, showdown with governor likely


Get Outta My Head! | Jamie Gray – March 26, 2017 at 11:54AM

Our President doesn’t have time to read his own security briefings, but still manages to find time to play golf 12 times since he took office. If we don’t do something about the mockery he is making of the highest office in the land, our Nation is truly doomed.
Honestly, I think the only thing keeping him in office, is that there are so many violations of law and order, that nobody knows where to start. Each time we think he has committed the most egregious violations of law, trust and decency, he finds a way to kick it up a notch and reach a new level of low.
#jfs #impeach45 #gomh


Colorado town considers allowing more home-grown marijuana than proposed state limit

#news420 Colorado town considers allowing more home-grown marijuana than proposed state limit


Saturday, March 25, 2017

The surprising origins of your f*cking favorite swear words

Wondering where the fuck your favorite cuss words came from? Wonder no more.
You’re fucking welcome.


Stephen Hawking appears at conference via hologram, discusses Trump (VIDEO)

You can only imagine he is a wee bit worried, like most of the rational people on Earth.


Trump just hit the golf club for the 12th time in his 9-week presidency

Wow. Wasn’t he one of the ones bitching about how much time Obama spent golfing? No wonder repealing Obamacare failed MISERABLY. Trump’s on fucking permanent vacation, costing us a fucking fortune while his family pockets a small fortune in ‘payouts’. #Impeach45


Friday, March 24, 2017