Saturday, November 30, 2019

Get Outta My Head! | Jamie Gray – November 30, 2019 at 01:54PM

Why is the #USSenate allowed to kill a bill passed by the #USHouse without even a vote?
The 100 member Senate should be forced to into a recorded vote for EVERY bill passed by the House. Not bringing it up for vote should mean it PASSES with #NoObjections

#gomh #JustFuckingSaying


Sunday, November 24, 2019

Reasons to be climate cheerful (ish) – TechCrunch

Cheerful? Maybe not.
Optimistic? Maybe. #RelativeOptimism.

New research suggests that methane leakage from coal mines, alone — without even considering burning the coal after it’s mined! — has “a greater warming impact than aviation and shipping combined.”

The Article ‘Reasons to be climate cheerful (ish) – TechCrunch’ originally appeared on
Jamie’s comments are his own.


Monday, November 11, 2019

Just Thinking…by Jamie Gray 2019-11-11T17:45:42.000Z

One of the biggest problems in American politics, is that one religious group in particular has an undue amount of political influence… specifically the far right, full gospel Jesus-Should-Be-President, Christians. These folks think that Christianity has some implied special rights under our Constitution because of America’s roots in the religion; this despite the historically verified, clearly secular (non-religious), intentions of the founders, many of whom were non-Christians who preferred to stay that way.

Modern day evangelicals think a lot of other things that are a little bit tricky to understand…but this is not about bashing industrial strength Christianity or the hypocrisy therein. It’s about America. It’s about all of us.

America doesn’t have a state religion and never should. Here you are free to believe in anything or anyone you want, or nothing at all. Yet modern Christian leaders, in their quest to make America the ‘New Jerusalem’…or maybe just bring on the End of Days…use the authority of the pulpit to proclaim ‘God’s chosen candidates’, so their sheep know who to vote for without having to actually think about it. The power of these leaders is multiplied exponentially by the tax-free money they ply politicians with, and the complacency of their followers, who will do whatever they are told to avoid hell and reach The Good Place…and politicians know it.

Trump knew it. He’s president because of it. Because people who call themselves followers of Jesus told their followers that Trump was the chosen candidate to vote for. God’s choice for president.
It seems to me that a true God would want people to think for themselves. A real God would want people who believe in goodness and righteousness for its own sake, not for fear of punishment or hope of reward. Seems to me that a real Christian pastor, follower of Jesus’ teachings, would be warning their flock of false leaders and liars, not suggesting they reelect the fucking anti-christ…the reality TV version of the devil’s own in the oval office.

WTF Evangelicals?!? Are you trying to bring about the apocalypse? Because I don’t think that was John’s intention behind writing Revelations, and I don’t believe that any righteous God would see fit to annoint a cheating, lying criminal as Their Own.

Please wake up. It’s right in The Book. Jesus said it, His words not mine. Don’t be sheep led to slaughter by prosperity gospel pundits, who seek to profit on your blind belief by abusing your faith.

You’ve been warned.

“Then if anyone says to you, ‘Behold, here is the Christ,’ or ‘There He is,’ do not believe him. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.Behold, I have told you in advance.”
~Matthew 24:23-24
Just Thinking ~ Thoughts on music, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…and other less political stuffs.
by Jamie Gray


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Just Thinking…by Jamie Gray 2019-11-05T23:12:12.000Z

You know what all the evidence on the Ukraine scandal shows? It shows that Trump is SO afraid he can’t beat Biden that he’s willing to disregard the Constitution and bully an ally, under attack from Russia and desperate for our help, and risk impeachment, all just to get some dirt that MIGHT help beat Biden IF Biden is even the nominee.
Seriously. That’s some desperate motherfucker shit right there. Someone who’s pretty sure he needs ALL the help he can get. A loser who, if only subconsciously, knows he’s a loser.
Just Thinking ~ Thoughts on music, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…and other less political stuffs.
by Jamie Gray


Monday, November 4, 2019

No One Wants to Give Your Kids Free Edibles

Seriously. Nobody is giving away expensive edibles to your kids for free. What possible reason would they have to do so?
It would be more likely that opiate laced treats would be handed out. At least that way there’s a chance the kids might get addicted and then be possible future customers for some ‘pusher’.
Since your kid can’t actually get ‘hooked on weed’ and then be manipulated into a life of addiction and worse, WHY would anyone give away their stash to strangers? Hell… you’re lucky if you get candy around here.

The Article ‘No One Wants to Give Your Kids Free Edibles’ originally appeared on
Jamie’s comments are his own.


Retiring Coal…and how to make it work.

Here’s a solution to the coal industry: Retirement.

That’s right. Let’s just retire the industry, pay coal miners (NOT coal companies and their wealthy owners) a decent, government backed early retirement pension…since I’m sure their own employers probably won’t want to pay, since their businesses are being retired. I mean, how many actual coal miners are left? A couple hundred? Thousands? Retired. problem solved. They may not have jobs, but give them a pension they can live on, and they’ll probably be glad they don’t have to breathe coal dust for a living anymore. “I’m retired” is SO much better for one’s self-worth than “I’m unemployed”.

Then we invest a bit into those communities…like the coal companies that have been exploiting those folks all these years NEVER have. Give their kids great schools. Create an educated base of employees through vocational training programs so that new technology companies have a high quality employee base to hire from in the area, thus attracting new, clean industries to replace the planet scarring good-old-boys-club coal industry. The mine doesn’t have to be the only source of jobs in town…the coal companies want it that way, and have probably gone to great lengths to keep it that way. What company wouldn’t want a “company town” scenario? Think about it.

Change is a good thing, if you manage it so that everyone wins. There doesn’t always have to be a loser…THAT is the lie of polarity peddled by our corrupt two party political system. Smart money says that fighting against change is the surest way to fail. Accept. Plan. Manage for change. Change for the better. Better for ALL.

There don’t have to be losers, just so that politicians and their financiers can win again and again. We can decide that The People…ALL the people…should win, not just the wealthiest people. Or we can decide to let them keep taking, until there’s nothing left for anyone else.


Dear Republicans…

Just a note to remind: eventually, a Democrat will hold the Office of President, and the standards that we set now as “acceptable”, will suddenly seem an affront to everything you care about when applied to that president.

The truth is, the Constitution is the only Truth we have, and the vile disrespect for the sanctity of it’s authority and the office of president, will be the undoing of everything great about this country. I urge you to consider the evidence carefully, and ask yourselves, “What would we be doing if Obama tried this bullshit a few years ago?”

Yeah…chew on that for a bit, and then consider an all-powerful President Warren with an all-powerful presidential pen. Or a President Sanders forcing the wealthiest to pay for healthcare for immigrants, Congress powerless to stop the spreading plague of socialism.

Think about it. Then do the right thing and support a fair and impartial impeachment process and Senate trial. Let the evidence speak, not the politics. Let’s decide, as a nation how much power ANY president should have…and where that power stops…once and for all.

If we don’t say “enough” it will only get worse, and our country could be at stake. Think for yourself. See both sides. Don’t believe the media spin…learn the truth for yourself.
Like they said in the 60s… #QuestionAuthority

