Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Trump again targets Fox: ‘They totally forgot who got them where there are’

#FoxNews is NOT News and should be banned from calling itself “News”.
OR… they COULD try standing up to Trump’s bullying and embrace actual journalism.
Time to choose.

Trump again targets Fox: ‘They totally forgot who got them where there are’

The Article ‘Trump again targets Fox: ‘They totally forgot who got them where there are” originally appeared on
Jamie’s comments are his own.


Portland protesters are finding new ways to stand up to federal agents

“We came out here dressed in T-shirts and twirling Hula-Hoops and stuff, and they started gassing us, so we came back with respirators, and they started shooting us, so we came back with vests, and they started aiming for the head, so we started wearing helmets, and now they call us terrorists,” Mac Smiff, a local Black organizer in Portland, said. “Who’s escalating this? It’s not us.”

#PoliceReform #AmericanPoliceState
#Fascism #BLM #Portland #BlueLiesMatter

The Article ‘Portland protesters are finding new ways to stand up to federal agents’ originally appeared on
Jamie’s comments are his own.


Monday, July 20, 2020

Just Thinking…by Jamie Gray 2020-07-20T21:58:30.000Z

I am overwhelmed by the collective ignorance in America. Unthinkable Things are now normal. This is #NotNormal ~jg

Just Thinking ~ Thoughts on music, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…and other less political stuffs.
by Jamie Gray


Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Just Thinking…by Jamie Gray 2020-07-08T18:37:00.000Z

I am sad.
So many people are dying.
I am sad because the deaths are unnecessary.
I am sad because every other developed country in the world has managed to avoid this kind of uncontrolled pandemic, while America flounders; the Great USA failing worse than third world dictatorships at managing the outbreak.
I am sad because simple things, like wearing masks and social distancing can save lives, but people are being told they have “a choice”, instead of a responsibility to respect the rights of others.
I am sad because it seems that so many Americans are so easily convinced that science is a lie, and that impossible claims that could never plausibly be true are accepted, without question, as The Truth.
I am sad that so much hate still exists in the world, a world that is clearly depending on humanity coming together to save us from our own self-destructive nature.
I am sad that we, as a species have not figured out how to overcome greedy self interest and put humanity above nation-states or corporate directors.
I am sad every day.
I am also hopeful.
Because I believe in humanity. In people.
I believe that good leaders can learn to put people first. ALL people.
I believe in US. We the People are good. We all have a moral compass, and we know what we are seeing is wrong. We cannot allow ourselves to believe it, when people in power tell us that the heinous is acceptable. The masses cannot be collateral damage for the wealthy and privileged, to be exploited and profitted on.
No…We The People are an INVESTMENT in the future of humanity, not a drain on their profits of the well financed, and its about time our governments started acting like it. When they do, maybe some of this fucking sadness will fade.
Until then, I will probably keep crying everyday for practically no reason at all. I am sad…but I think being sad is pretty fucking healthy, given the obvious state of things.
In fact, I’d worry about you if you’re not sad.~jg
Just Thinking ~ Thoughts on music, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…and other less political stuffs.
by Jamie Gray


Sunday, July 5, 2020

Fireworks for you, compliments of my neighbors and the gift of gps guided night flight (sorry about the lame music…it came with the ‘theme’).
Happy 4th of CoronaVirus!

The Article ” originally appeared on
Jamie’s comments are his own.


Friday, July 3, 2020

Just Thinking…by Jamie Gray 2020-07-03T20:35:49.000Z

To all you fuckers who couldn’t bear to stay home for Memorial Day, thanks for ruining July 4th, too. We could be almost back to relative normal, like the rest of the world. Instead, the rest of humanity is laughing at our collective stupidity, as we’re just beginning to see the effects that 4 weeks of “reopen or die” hath wrought upon our lives. No other country has been hit this hard by #coronavirus, and all of it preventable. Here we are anyway.
#Lockdown2 is upon us, and THIS time, let’s stop listening to idiots and get it fucking RIGHT!

#July4 #COVID19 #pandemic2020
Just Thinking ~ Thoughts on music, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…and other less political stuffs.
by Jamie Gray


Wednesday, July 1, 2020