Monday, July 31, 2017

Trump’s Russian Laundromat

Watching our Country run this way makes me feel….well, dirty…and not in a good way. I’m not ashamed to be American. No, I’m ashamed that there are others among us…LOTS of them apparently, who think that THIS is what it means to be American. I’m also a little concerned that you might mistake me for one of them.
I’m not, and God help us for letting it get THIS bad. I suppose we all tacitly helped by not saying #WHATTHEFUCK sooner…right?
But you know what? I won’t apologize, because this is NOT my fault. I’m proud of my country, and what I believe it means to be an American. But I’m definitely not proud of some of my countrymen…our corrupt leaders and their un-American acts in the name of greed and power. I, and many other Americans disavow their actions. Fuck them. I don’t feel safer because of you.
You know…the trouble with representative government is that, to WORK, it MUST actually REPRESENT the views of the PEOPLE. It’s pretty obvious to most of us now that ours no longer does. Our government represents corporations and the elite class, and runs everything to their liking. We’re given choices enough to BELIEVE we can make a difference by our votes. Just enough choice to to make it LOOK and FEEL like a democracy.
Hopefully the world can look beyond the actions of this Whitehouse and Congress, and not judge America by it. We can change. Really we can. We will.
Hell, even most of the asshats who voted for this mess are getting worried now. Worried they made a BIG…possibly HUGE mistake.
#NotMyPresident #TimeForChange #Resist


With 11 children dead, this is the worst July for hot car deaths in nearly a decade

Hello? How are there THAT many fucking idiot parents? Seriously?
These are your CHILDREN. You are supposed to PROTECT THEM.


Outer Banks: Power outage has been a jolt to businesses

Wow. Weeks without power during the height of summer tourist season. This could potentially be DEVASTATING to the local economy in the Outer Banks. Somebody is responsible for this “accident” and they are on the hook for millions and millions in lost revenue for the local businesses and residents. I hope they’re on the hook that is.


Someone Hacked Into HBO and Is Now Releasing Game of Thrones Info

NO! No spoilers! I don’t want to know what is in the script, and neither do YOU!
#GameOfThrones #NoSpoilers! #hacked


Every Voting Machine at This Hacking Conference Got Totally Pwned

Yup. That’s right. There are no secure voting machines in America.
How doomed are we now?


Marijuana is 9% of all Michigan arrests, and other facts on marijuana arrests

And I would bet that 70+% of those arrests are people of color, resultant to visual profiling and other racist arrest practices by law enforcement officers and agencies. Also, Michigan is probably not an anomaly…some states are likely much worse.
#LegalizeIt #News420


How To Waste A Day Off

Here’s a “how-to” that I need ZERO help with, thanks.
History has proven that I can waste days, weekends…weeks off, even.


We love you J.K. Rowling, but this time you’re wrong about Trump

I admit it. I saw the original clip that Trump seemed to ignore the handicapped child, and I bought into it like JK Rowling did. But apparently we’ve all been the victim of selective cropping, where Trump bending down and talking to the very same child in the wheelchair, was conveniently omitted from the clip. An obvious attempt to create bias where there is none, I rebuke the original publisher of this clip. As much as I have no love for Trump, I have even less love for deceptive media tricks from EITHER side.
Presenting sound bites that further your cause rather than objectively presenting the news is EVERYTHING wrong with the news media. You ARE fake news and we know it. We’re wise to your game, so you can knock it off now.


Entire Fields in California and Other States Are Rotting: Trump’s Immigrant Policy In Action

To be clear, the fact that illegal immigrants are the driving force behind agriculture is the big problem. One main reason immigration is a such a sore spot politically is because whole industries, like agriculture and construction, depend on low cost illegal labor, and the government turns a blind eye to the creators of these under-the-table jobs, instead arresting the illegals who cross the border to fill those positions.
It’s all about money and exploitation…as usual. Let the food rot, and we all pay more for groceries. That’s how the wheel goes ’round. It’s like they are holding America for ransom, threatening outrageous food prices if we don’t condone their right to hire illegals and exploit the currency gap.
FUCK YOU. Pay a real wage and cut the salaries of management. Easy peasy.


Kit Harington confirms Jon is definitely crushing on Dany in ‘Game of Thrones’ episode 3

Shades of more incest to come in Westeros?
#spoilerAlert #GameOfThrones #GoT


Primus’ Les Claypool on Mining Trippy Children’s Book for New LP

Primus adapted an obscure children’s book into a wild musical opus with their ninth LP, The Desaturating Seven


Scientists find cleaner, more efficient way to turn CO2 into fuel

If you power CO2 conversion to fuel by solar (or wind or other clean energy source), clean power is almost free. Gotta wonder why it took so long to figure out something that makes so much sense, right?


Poor whites feel worse about life than poor blacks, even though they’re better off

Poor blacks have just been fucked harder for longer. They are used to getting society’s schlong up their proverbial asses, and more able to deal with getting shit on by society…and facing tomorrow anyway.
The irony of it is that many of the “poor whites” we’re talking about are the very voters who put Trump in the Oval Office, and are now getting fucked relentlessly for it. I’d imagine they are having an especially hard time.


Dave Grohl Dares You to Guess Foo Fighters Megastar Mystery Guest

Dave Grohl Dares You to Guess Foo Fighters Megastar Mystery Guest
#Hint: It’s NOT Adele, Taylor Swift or me.


Harry Potter author JK Rowling criticized for claiming Trump snubbed disabled child

It’s TRUMP that should be criticized for dissing the disabled.


Bizarre ‘satanic cult’ accusations levelled at restaurant chain (PHOTO)

That’s right…those blooming onions are the Devil’s Diet baby.
Eat at Outback and risk your very SOUL.
But hey…At least you won’t get food poisoning like at #Chipotle.
#OutbackSteakhouse #SatansSteakhouse #LucifersLuncheonette #DevilsDiner #BeelzebubsBBQ #DevilsDiet #MorningstarMeatery #EvilEdibles #BaalsButchery


Donald Trump says there is ‘no chaos’ in his White House

How the fuck would he know?…he’s always on the fucking golf course.
#MarALago #PresidentFuckFace


Dire wolves were real. Now someone is trying to resurrect them.

“When I awoke the Dire Wolf, Six Hundred pounds of sin.
Was grinning at my window, all I said was come on in
Don’t murder me. I beg of you, don’t murder me.
Please don’t murder me.” ~Garcia/Hunter


Sunday, July 30, 2017

US carrier Gerald R. Ford ‘makes history,’ completes first landing & launch of aircraft

I’m not sure the Navy remembers Gerry Ford very well…the Clumsiest President to hold the office might be an appropriate title. I would’ve maybe gone a different way. Just saying. Let’s hope this namesake isn’t as awkward on the seas as President Ford was…well, everywhere.


US carrier Gerald R. Ford ‘makes history,’ completes first landing & launch of aircraft

I’m not sure the Navy remembers Gerry Ford very well…the Clumsiest President to hold the office might be an appropriate title. I would’ve maybe gone a different way. Just saying. Let’s hope this namesake isn’t as awkward on the seas as President Ford was…well, everywhere.


Friday, July 28, 2017

The mystery of ancient Canaanites is finally solved, genetic research shows

DNA evidence shows that the Bible is not telling the truth about the Canaanites being wiped out by the Tribes of Israel, but in actuality they seem to have settled in Lebanon, where 90% of Lebanese people have Canaanite DNA.
Oopsie…looks like some alternative facts date back a couple of millennia.


John McCain’s maverick moment

I don’t agree with McCain on many many things. But I know him as one of a few in Washington who will stand up for what is right, even if it means going against the GOP. He’s no sheep, and I respect that a lot. A LOT.
He is a man of honor and virtue…at least in comparison to most of the DC degenerates who dick us around daily.
Thank you, Senator McCain for putting common sense before party lines, as you have done many times before.


John McCain’s maverick moment

I don’t agree with McCain on many many things. But I know him as one of a few in Washington who will stand up for what is right, even if it means going against the GOP. He’s no sheep, and I respect that a lot. A LOT.
He is a man of honor and virtue…at least in comparison to most of the DC degenerates who dick us around daily.
Thank you, Senator McCain for putting common sense before party lines, as you have done many times before.


China’s panda solar panels are incredibly cute

Panda power!!
China will soon be beating the juice out of America when it comes to solar. How is it that China has suddenly become a proponent of rapidly expanding clean power, while the USA is…going back to the COAL that made America “great”? What the fuck is wrong with this president and the morons who elected him?
#solar #china #pandas #altEnergy


Mike Huckabee Tweets About Scrapping the Election of Senators As US Slides Into Authoritarianism

These are scary times, with people in power looking for new and different ways to subvert our rights and give the government even more control over our daily lives.
Haven’t you had enough? Haven’t we all?
Is it time to speak up and #RESIST yet?
If you say “No”, then Why the fuck not?!


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Maryland officer buys diapers for mother caught stealing them

This cop went way over and above…nice job officer. Thank you for being a human first, and THEN being a cop.


Stephen Colbert to produce ‘truish’ cartoon series about Trump White House

Trumpy gonna be so pissed. In all seriousness…this should be funny as fuck.


DNA of human embryos edited for 1st time in US – report

Are we SURE we want to start modifying the DNA of human embryos? Human beings?
Are we SURE we really know what the fuck we’re doing?
Just asking for a friend, who probably has a an irrational fear of a mutant human army roaming free upon the earth. Or #DontFuckUpTheGenePool any more than it is already.


Oxford University a ‘school for stupid people’, says Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte

This guy is a real fucking genius himself, so if he says Oxford is for stupid people, well you just gotta believe him. #ExtremeSarcasmDetected


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Sperm Counts Have Plummeted Among Western Men, Scientists Confirm

Could it be that nature is intervening to cut the population of the worst parasite ever to to scourge Planet Earth? Makes sense to me…


Matt Groening is making an animated medieval adult fantasy with Netflix

OMG…it’ll be like the Simpsons go Medieval. Can’t wait!


Pot shop gives away free weed if you help pick up town’s trash

Who’s up for a trip to the soon-to-be cleanest town Maine?!?!


Are Americans Warming Up to Self-Driving Cars?

I say bring ’em on. Then we can put all these morons who don’t take the time to learn how to drive or practice/improve their driving skills into them ASAP. Make the driving test for REAL cars HARD — more like the tests for Aircraft Pilots with weather certifications etc. Then take away the “driver’s” license, and the right to cause accidents, from all the lazy fuckers who don’t really like driving and just want to get from point A to B, and put them in a fucking self-driving Uber.
If you’re not a good driver, you shouldn’t fucking drive. The reason distracted driving is such a problem is because most people can barely handle a vehicle WITHOUT distractions, yet they blast down the road thinking they know what they are doing because we gave them a “LICENSE” (which basically proves you can follow simple patterns and rules at very low speeds in good weather, not that you can make good driving decisions or react properly in an emergency, or that you can drive in the dark or the rain or, god forbid, the snow).
#BadDriversSUCK – take their license away and put ’em in #SelfDrivingUbers. Seriously.


‘Millions in coastal communities’ threatened by algae growth on Greenland Ice Sheet

Algae growth could impact Sea Level rise….for the worse.
Warming trends contribute to increased algae growth on the ice, which changes the reflectivity of the ice to absorb far greater amounts of heat from the sun, thereby increasing…possibly exponentially…the ice melt. Not good news for low lying islands and coastal areas worldwide. Not good news at all.

#ClimateChange #SeaLevelRise #algae #greenland


How the Dragonfly’s Surprisingly Complex Brain Makes it a Deadly Hunter

…and you thought dragonflies were just happy little insects who wouldn’t harm a…fly?
Nope…These guys are hunting ninjas!


Using Cell Phones to Save the Rain Forest – A Cleaner Future

Fucking Genius.
Old cellphones, re-purposed to detect audio signatures of logging activity in the rainforest and alert nearby rangers of the location so that they can respond IN MINUTES and stop the activity BEFORE much damage can be done!


Send help. An ‘unusually aggressive squirrel’ is terrorizing Brooklyn.

Terrorism in Brooklyn: Viscious, potentially rabid, squirrel terrorist holds Brooklyn neighborhood in fear, attacking residents without provocation. #nyc #squirrelattack


Sunday, July 23, 2017

A recycling robot named Clarke could be the key to reducing waste

How has it taken so long for someone to decide we need a robot to sort our recyclables? I mean, who the fuck knows what is even recyclable anyway? Imagine just throwing everything out and not worrying where it goes…oh wait, that’s what a lot of Americans actually still do. It’s just that there’s no robot, just a landfill full of stuff that could’ve been recycled.

On a semi-related note, is it just our garbage company, or do you wonder why pizza boxes not recyclable, too? Our Trash Overlords tell me it’s because they have grease on them, but I mean, aren’t we reducing them back to pulp anyway, and cooking out impurities in the process of making recycled cardboard? Why should some grease make a fucking difference? Inquiring minds want to know.


Michael Phelps wanted to race shark without cage

Dude…you’re hitting the bong a little too hard I think. Should we starve the shark and chum the water too? #PhelpsVsShark


Dodge Dealers Are Avoiding Markup Rules For The Demon With Auctions

It’s gonna get pricey fast. Just saying. Selling at auction off the assembly line, the new Dodge Demon will be a collector’s item on the first day of sale. I bet some douchewads pay WAY too much.
#dodge #demon #srt #mopar #challenger


Supreme Court ruling leads to offensive trademark requests

Honestly, I agree. When you ban hate speech, it can hide and fester in the shadows. But when you lay the cards on the table, you let people speak freely…then you get to see who the haters are. The darkness is exposed and they can be brought into line with society through social tools, such as peer pressure. Shunned for their hateful speech, the racists will either change or just learn to shut the fuck up…meanwhile giving us plenty of targets to ridicule on social media, even as our stomachs churn.

Article quote from one of the guys trademarking the N-Word:

Maynard, 50, said he is not racist but believes that saturating the market with such epithets can rob them of their racist connotations. The idea is to spark discussion and turn “hate into hope,” he said in a phone interview.

“If you suppress it, you give it power,” Maynard said.


Friday, July 21, 2017

Op-ed: Sessions is stuck in a ‘Reefer Madness’ time warp

Ironically, this is the mindset of many of the religious right. They believe the racist, greedy lies spun 90 years ago are true, despite anything that’s happened in the past 30 years. Somehow, they’ve been convinced to close their minds and accept the “truths” in the status quo, because change is somehow equated with the deterioration of society. Because “God” told them too…God of course being the teachings of their church and the opinions of the church elders.
How about waking up and thinking for yourselves? How about looking at the facts? Nah…I’m sure your pastor’s interpretation of “God’s Word” is right. How could your church be wrong? That would mean you might be going to Hell!! #GodForbid


Get Outta My Head! | Jamie Gray – July 21, 2017 at 01:52PM

At least it’s Friday.

#jfs #gomh



Did you know I recorded an EP?
#NowYouKnow #anywhere


15 pounds of ham crashed onto a Florida roof and nobody can answer how it got there

Florida: Beware of Flying Ham and Sausage. Was it a North Korean Meat Missile?


Will Smith Agrees You Should Be Watching Christopher Nolan Movies in Theaters and Not on Netflix

Sure Will. When they start making movies that are worth $14 per seat, maybe I will go to the theater again. But as long as Hollywood keeps churning out shit…remakes of old movies that weren’t that great the first time, sequels ad infinitum, and C movies that have no real story to play off the gazillion dollar special effects…I think I’ll watch at home, where $15 buys a whole month of movies on HBO…or better yet,$9 for Netflix.
Did I mention $10 popcorn? Go fuck yourself if you think I’m paying $10 for 11¢ worth of corn and faux butter. It’ll take more than a $9 Pepsi to help me to swallow THAT shit.
I will always love the big screen, but hell, even the screens aren’t that big anymore!
Seems like Hollywood is committing suicide to me.


The Immense, Eternal Footprint Humanity Leaves on Earth: Plastics

The Ancient Egyptians left us the Pyramids. The Chinese the Great Wall of China. The Romans built great systems of roads and aqueducts. Great civilizations have left their marks upon our planet.

What will survive the Great American Civilization? A fuck ton of plastic shit, garbage that will never breakdown, equal in weight to 2000 Pyramids, that’s what.
Sure…other countries do it too…now. we sold them the disposable lifestyle, and we sell them the plastic.


Mars rover concept vehicle tours the USA

Wow. THAT thing will never get off the planet. Just a (bad) publicity stunt, if you ask me. #whoasked


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Katie Couric: Fake news is ripping America ‘apart at the seams’

No, what’s ripping America apart is the polarity propagated by the mainstream media, in which both sides actively sensationalize the news for profits (ad revenue), playing off the other for contrast.
Folks, listen up: The News should be non-profit, and just about the facts. It should not be polarized. Ratings should be based on trust in objective, honest reporting. It should not be about fostering our divisions, by sharing left or right slanted stories as factual. Don’t blame the tip of the iceberg for the sinking ship.
Every one of you Neilsen whores bear the brunt of the responsibility…and yes Katie, you are a big part that problem. It’s ALL #FakeNews if you ask me.
