Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dear Mr. President (An open letter to Barack Obama)

Apparently I wrote this sometime last summer, but never did anything with it. Seems appropriate to publish it now. Please share it and pass it on!

Dear Mr. President,

I hope that this finds you well.  

I am sorry to tell you that I didn’t vote for you last time...but please don’t dwell on that. Because as a positive, I am considering voting for you this time. I wish I could say it was because I was thrilled with your performance over the past 3½ years, but in truth I’ve come to realize it’s primarily because the alternative is...well, just simply so, so bad.

That said however, I have some concerns that I simply cannot put to bed, mainly because there is no objective media which is neither controlled nor manipulated by the corporate political machines which are running DC...and our economy...into the ground. As such, it is extremely difficult to draw any conclusions which are not tainted by the invariable twist of the pen and wink of the eye, and I find myself less and less able to understand you as you truly are. Everything is spin, and the Barack Obama who ran for President in 2008, on a ticket of hope and dreams (which is why I almost voted for you last time), seems nowhere to be found. 

It is for that reason that I am requesting a personal meeting with you Mr. President, so that I might express my concerns and draw my own conclusions from your responses. So that I am able to decide for myself, without the benefit of Fox News‘ spiteful comments and editing to make you look bad, or MSNBC’s glowing interpretations to champion your cause. A simple sit down with my President...seems like that should be a right that every American should have if he wants to take the time, right? 

I assuredly wouldn’t waste your time. More than likely you will walk away with a slightly new perspective after you’ve heard what I have to say. Hell, it just might even help you understand some of the American know, the ones you just can’t quite figure out.

We’re ones who never take polls but always vote.
We’re the ones who love America and hate the corruption in DC.
We’re the ones who vote our conscience, not any party ticket.
We don’t care if you make a mistake, but will not forgive a lie, whether by omission, distortion or otherwise.
We want to believe in change, but see only the same old thing.
We see our own Government, and not terrorists, as the biggest threat to the American way of life.
We’re tired of seeing our democracy bought and sold by corporate interests, and sick of the “good of the many” being equivalent to what is best for big business and the wealthiest among us.
We don’t want any handouts for ourselves, and would gladly give whatever we could to make sure those with no other options are not forgotten.
We’re disappointed by the lack of truth from most politicians.
We’re frustrated by the lack of commitment to the future.
We’re tired of the greed, and we’re exhausted by the wars.
We’re disgusted by the use of fear to abscond with the personal liberties and privacy of US citizens
We’re ready for real change.

I hope you’ll consider my request for a few minutes of your time. I’d say I’d buy you a beer, but in truth I would much rather try one of yours. Either way, it would be honor to meet you, Mr. President.

Warmest regards,Jamie

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