Thursday, November 3, 2016

US guilty of ‘gross miscarriages of justice’ in order to justify Guantanamo – study

Remember 2008, when Obama made closing Guantanamo one of the highest priority issues of his campaign? Too bad he never did anything to actually close Gitmo. #ThanksObama

If these people are guilty, they deserve…nay, they are Constitutionally Guaranteed, a fair trial. Otherwise, release them and close the illegal prison. This is America, not Communist China or the USSR. And by the way…we are not in a state of war, so these are political prisoners, not prisoners of war; some of whom have been held, without trial (presumably because the Government doesn’t have enough evidence to actually convict them of anything), for 15 long years.

#CloseGitmo #Guantanamo #SixthAmendment #justice

Excerpt from a new study shines some extra light on exactly how fucked up things were, and are now almost 8 full years later:

“A study by Afghan-based research group came to troubling conclusions regarding the US government’s handling of Guantanamo Bay, finding it used bad intelligence and rigged its own legal system to justify detentions, thus prolonging the Afghan war.
The author of the study by the Afghan Analysts Network says systemic ignorance of reality by both intelligence and military, as well as attempts to justify the War on Terror by any means necessary, have created a mechanism that only prolonged the conflict – America’s longest in history – and strengthened the Taliban insurgency.

Author Kate Clark delves deep into the case of eight remaining Afghans at Guantanamo. Their varying stories are used as case studies for how badly things can go wrong if bad intelligence is being upheld by a rigged justice system.”


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