Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Yes, Republicans could block Hillary Clinton’s Supreme Court appointments for at least four years

It is SO important to overturn the balance of power in Congress. Even more so that we change the very nature of our governance. These fuckers need to understand that we will not accept their disrespect for the Institutions built by our forefathers nor the disrespect to American citizens. If you have good reason, then vote against the nominations until a suitable candidate can be found that you both agree on. It’s called compromise.
How about a new approach…Try Nominating Centrist judges that demonstrate the ability to use EXCELLENT JUDGEMENT in a variety of issues, and refuse to use their positions to further their own political views? Impartial, that will review the most important cases in our Nations’ court system by the merits of the case arguments, not by one polarized party viewpoint or the other? #SCOTUS


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