Tuesday, January 10, 2017

What to Expect From President Obama’s Farewell Address

I expect him to try and tell us how much better off we are after 8 years of his leadership. The only problem is, unless you are rich and white, you aren’t any better off. If you’re on Main St., you’re still looking at Wall St. going “I wish”. If you’re poor and black, you HAVE to wonder how the first black President has seemingly ignored your situation, and chosen time after time to “let things work themselves out” rather than actually go to bat for you. Rather than lead the charge for justice in Flint, Obama has mainly been silent. As dozens of unarmed black men and boys were gunned down by police, Obama’s outrage has been absent.
He’s been there to give us all hugs when we feel bad, and tell us about his dreams for America. But when it comes to follow thru, hugs are pretty much all we got, as action has been lacking. It’s not just GOP obstructionism…it’s failure of leadership and overt partisanship on the part of Mr. Obama that has been to blame for inaction. A good president becomes the President to ALL Americans once he’s elected, but Obama has been the President for Democrats and liberals for 8 years. This blatant partisanship was exemplified by the Dems shoving Obamacare down congressional GOP throats instead of working together to create a bipartisan solution. That is what forged the basis for the Trumping of America. That failed leadership is what turned the GOP into the obstructionist fucks they’ve been for the past 6 years, and what helped ensure that the entire government is now controlled by the GOP.
So yeah..whatever he has to say tonight will be fluff and bullshit, as the list of campaign promises he failed to achieve action on is what is truly impressive. A few high points of Mr Obama’s failings:
— He said he’d end all the Wars – We’re in more conflicts now than when BO took office
— He promised he’d close Guantanamo – FAIL
— He said he’d fix the Economy – Only Wall St and the 1% have truly benefited. Have YOU?
— Obamacare for all – Soon to be replaced by “something”, hopefully something that actually works.


More: http://bit.ly/2j4gwAO

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