Sunday, July 23, 2017

A recycling robot named Clarke could be the key to reducing waste

How has it taken so long for someone to decide we need a robot to sort our recyclables? I mean, who the fuck knows what is even recyclable anyway? Imagine just throwing everything out and not worrying where it goes…oh wait, that’s what a lot of Americans actually still do. It’s just that there’s no robot, just a landfill full of stuff that could’ve been recycled.

On a semi-related note, is it just our garbage company, or do you wonder why pizza boxes not recyclable, too? Our Trash Overlords tell me it’s because they have grease on them, but I mean, aren’t we reducing them back to pulp anyway, and cooking out impurities in the process of making recycled cardboard? Why should some grease make a fucking difference? Inquiring minds want to know.


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