Monday, November 4, 2019

Dear Republicans…

Just a note to remind: eventually, a Democrat will hold the Office of President, and the standards that we set now as “acceptable”, will suddenly seem an affront to everything you care about when applied to that president.

The truth is, the Constitution is the only Truth we have, and the vile disrespect for the sanctity of it’s authority and the office of president, will be the undoing of everything great about this country. I urge you to consider the evidence carefully, and ask yourselves, “What would we be doing if Obama tried this bullshit a few years ago?”

Yeah…chew on that for a bit, and then consider an all-powerful President Warren with an all-powerful presidential pen. Or a President Sanders forcing the wealthiest to pay for healthcare for immigrants, Congress powerless to stop the spreading plague of socialism.

Think about it. Then do the right thing and support a fair and impartial impeachment process and Senate trial. Let the evidence speak, not the politics. Let’s decide, as a nation how much power ANY president should have…and where that power stops…once and for all.

If we don’t say “enough” it will only get worse, and our country could be at stake. Think for yourself. See both sides. Don’t believe the media spin…learn the truth for yourself.
Like they said in the 60s… #QuestionAuthority



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