Sunday, December 1, 2019

Just Thinking…by Jamie Gray 2019-12-02T01:36:16.000Z

It’s all about obstruction.

Trump has blocked most witnesses with first-hand knowledge of his actions, then tries to claim all of the testimony given by others is ‘hearsay’, which while a thing in legal practice, is not relevant to impeachment. Of course, if he were actually innocent of these accusations, he’d be sending the witnesses with first hand knowledge of his innocence to testify in short order, so it’s pretty clear there is no one with first hand knowledge who could HELP him by testifying. Bury him more like it. Because if they tell the truth, he knows he will definitely be impeached…and likely removed.

So here we are. The good news is that it’s a clear case of obstruction, so the reality is that the other stuff barely even matters. Yup…Trump could be impeached solely on obstruction, even if no crime was ever committed. Because that’s how obstruction works…the obstructor blocks the prosecution of a crime…which is why obstruction is a crime itself. Of course, because why would an innocent person block an investigation?

I wonder…Has anyone asked Trump that?
Just Thinking ~ Thoughts on music, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…and other less political stuffs.
by Jamie Gray


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