Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Just Thinking…by Jamie Gray 2020-02-05T22:14:24.000Z

A message of post-impeachment-fail hope?

As the complicit GOP controlled US Senate acquits the most corrupt president in my lifetime, for obvious high crimes he has openly admitted to, I can’t help wonder what’s next for America. What will this illiterate ignoramus do next? Now that he has seemingly unlimited license to fuck up our country…our planet, even as he destroys our nation’s reputation with all but the most corrupt leaders of the world, what’s next for the USA? How can this possibly do anything except implode?
Yet, in my darkest reflections, I grasped upon an unusually hope-filled glimmer: Yes…I actually think our Republic is strong enough to recover, no matter how much damage this dumbfuck dildo of a sub-human being causes.
How can it be, you wonder?
Look. Drastic begets drastic. The more polarity, the more disruptive the party in power becomes, the bigger the eventual backlash.
There’s gonna be some serious backlash for this bullshit facade of leadership graft, once the truth comes out. The truth WILL come out. Bigly. It always does.
75% of America thought there should have been witnesses. That implies 75% of America knows this was a sham trial. Many of us think our government is so broken, it may be irreparable. Let’s hope we’re wrong, and can make things right before they break for realz.
Vote. Serve, if you dare. Get involved if you can. Politicians don’t make America great…Americans do. People. Of all shades and spirit guides. All of US make America, not the assholes in Washington (Dems and GOP) who put profits and party above people.
This is a sad day for our country. I truly don’t care which party you vote for. I do care if our votes become worthless because our elections have been rigged. There are 51 Senators who don’t deserve their seats. Many of them are running in November. Let’s all help America do the right thing and teach these fuckers not to fuck with us. Teach them who REALLY has the power here.
#Vote Even if you think it’s a waste of time. It’s not. Not this year. They need to hear us.
Just Thinking ~ Thoughts on music, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…and other less political stuffs.
by Jamie Gray


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