Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The Filibuster Must Go

The Filibuster. Time to go away for good.

I can see why Democrats are nervous about killing the Filibuster. Why? Because it will be gone FOREVER. Permanently. No take backs. Both parties might have to actually have to start governing, instead of just blaming the other for everything. Don’t believe me? Hear me out.

Let’s say the Republicans come back to hold a majority in the Senate. I prefer that this never happens, of course. At least not THIS Republican party. Anyway, let’s say they do take back the Senate.

The LAST thing they would do is reinstate the Filibuster. Because if they DID, they would suddenly need 60 votes to pass anything instead of just 50. Why would they want to give the Democrats 10 votes? They wouldn’t.

Democrats should repeal the Filibuster immediately, and start governing. Expect the Republicans to do the same when they get a majority. Everybody needs to put on their big boy pants and learn to compromise.

Both parties need to start serving the people who elected them, not just the corporations and rich bastards who exploit the rest of us for their own gain. We’re tired of dying so the rich can get richer and have more power to fuck us in the ass with.

More: https://jamiegraymusic.com/wordpress/2021/03/the-filibuster-must-go/

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