Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Billionaire Larry Ellison’s thoughts on equal prize money for men and women

This is an interesting issue. On one hand, if you base your decision on fairness, equal prizes for men and women seems to make sense. On the other hand, prize money available is dependent on audience and ad revenue from the event…so I can understand the logic to a “bigger draw, bigger prize” solution.

The real goal should be increasing viewership and fan engagement for female sports…increase viewership= increase revenue and therefore increase in prize money.

The real issue is that men are the biggest sports consumers, and women’s sports has less appeal to men. So as a secondary goal, if you want more prize money for women’s sports, you MUST increase viewership. That means you have to get more women (and men) watching the events. Otherwise, who will want to run events that cost more in prize money than the revenue they collect?

#EqualPay #WomensSports #ProSports #espn #sports http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story.asp?guid=%7B25C2036C-F02B-11E5-B776-8755BE4CDFBC%7D&siteid=rss&rss=1 The Oracle chairman was embroiled in a controversy when the man who runs a tennis tournament he owns suggested women should earn less than men.

from WordPress https://jamiegraymusic.wordpress.com/2016/03/22/billionaire-larry-ellisons-thoughts-on-equal-prize-money-for-men-and-women/

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