Friday, March 4, 2016

China returns fire at U.S. as war-of-words escalates

“China had pledged not to militarize its islands in the South China Sea, so why has China deployed surface-to-air missile batteries, and why is it constructing military-grade airfields on those island?” Doane asked.

“Take a look at the planes and vessels coming in and out of the South China Sea — they’re mostly America’s,” parliament spokeswoman Fu Ying said in Chinese. “The U.S. deployed its Navy to our region — isn’t that militarization?”

China is pointing its finger right back at America.
#china #SouthChinaSea #navy #USSJohnCStennis #militarization Bejing and Washington accuse each other of “militarization” in the South China Sea, but China’s new military budget may belie the belicose rhetoric

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