Thursday, March 3, 2016

Goodbye Ben Carson. Thanks for the laughs | Ali Gharib

Goodbye Ben Carson. Thanks for the laughs
The Guardian / by Ali Gharib

The bumbling hilarity of Ben Carson stood out even among the noisy parade of the Republican party’s clown candidates

The worst news of the election so far is that Ben Carson will drop out of the Republican primary race. Carson was the only candidate of either party who brought me unmitigated joy. He could scarcely begin to open his mouth before the corners of mine turned up. Before he was done speaking, I was guaranteed a deep belly laugh. If I was lucky, my eyes welled with tears of uncontrollable mirth.

But my joy was apparently not enough to propel Carson forward. After faltering yet again on Super Tuesday, finishing last or second-to-last in all the contests, the retired neurosurgeon said he would make a speech on Friday and ominously withdrew from Thursday’s debate.

Continue reading… The bumbling hilarity of Ben Carson stood out even among the noisy parade of the Republican party’s clown candidates

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