Sunday, March 6, 2016

Trump on waterboarding: US should stop ‘playing by the rules’ in Isis battle

This is exactly the problem with Mr Trump. He feels that the rules should not apply to him, nor should they apply to America. How can you expect to have a society based on rules and laws, if some are exempt from those rules? In the end you really have no rules at all.

One other thing is very, very clear: Trump is used to being very, very rich and doing whatever he wants. He is a one-percenter all the way, and his plan will make America great for millionaires, and everyone else will be screwed…some more than others (Muslims, women, Mexicans, gays, women, animals, Arabs, Hispanics, women to name a few…pretty much any other hypenated-americans)
#america #trump #demagogue #election2016 #gop Republican frontrunner says laws must be reworked because they ‘are not working’: ‘We talk about waterboarding like it’s the worst thing in the world’

from WordPress

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