Tuesday, September 27, 2016

U.S. owes black people reparations for a history of ‘racial terrorism,’ says U.N. panel

Reparations? How about we start by forcing the cops to stop killing unarmed black people and treating people of color as if they were some subset of America that needs additional policing? That would be a start in reparations…you know…actually giving Americans of Color the same rights as White Americans. Just because the Declaration of Independence only applied to white people, doesn’t mean that Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness should STILL be denied on basis of race 240 fucking years later. 150 years after slavery was officially ended. Don’t you think it’s time we practice what we preach? Liberty and Justice For ALL!?? The best reparations would be to ACTUALLY end discrimination. Then maybe force rich white people to end poverty in America. Because poverty the OTHER way America still shits on people of color. We (tacitly, thru our representatives) allow Americans to live in poverty because “those people are lazy” or whatever stereotyped bullshit excuse they create. We allow people of color…and poor people in general… to be denied healthcare or expensive, life saving drugs because they cannot afford it…who the fuck are we, America? Making sure No American Citizen starves or is denied medicine should come first…THEN profits for huge corporations and uber wealthy citizens. THAT is Liberty and Justice for ALL, and who would give a shit about “reparations” if our government actually protected us from exploitation for greed? If black people no longer had to live in fear of homelessness, starvation, or death because medicine cost too much, don’t you think that would go a long way toward “repairing” the relationship with their government?


More: http://bit.ly/2diC1e7

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