Seriously. Are predominantly black schools any better now than before? Are less unarmed blacks being shot by police? Is poverty among African Americans reduced by any significant amount? Because we know that the wealth of the wealthiest Americans has increased GREATLY in the past 8 years. The poor? The poor are not really less poor at all.
I honestly would like to hear it. Please tell me how Black Lives Matter more NOW than in 2007?
Obamacare you say? Sure. OK…But tell me about it next year when it’s 20% more expensive, and many have to drop coverage because they can’t afford it.
Frankly, if I were African American, I’d be PISSED at Obama.
Obama spoke of hope and new beginnings for All on the Campaign trail in 2008. I guess he was referring to the several new Wars we’ve started since he took office, that he hopes we’ll win…someday long after he leaves office.
I voted for Obama in 2012, but I would NOT vote for a 3rd Obama Term if I could. WAIT…I take that back. If Obama were running against Hillary, and the alternative was Trump, I WOULD vote for Obama. I just wouldn’t like it very much.
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