Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Unlikely Battle to Pass the Nation’s First Carbon Tax

Even if you want 100% clean, renewable energy (I do, don’t you?) a Carbon Tax is a REALLY Bad idea. When you tax energy, you tax Productivity. EVERYTHING we produce here in USA ends up costing more if you tax energy production, which is what a carbon tax directly does. This ends up becoming very regressive, hurting the poorest people the most, by inflating monthly bills that they have no choice but to pay (heat, electricity, food, gasoline).
Instead, we should seek to reward good behavior instead of punishing bad behavior…especially since the end user ends up paying the cost. Give tax credits to companies which convert to alternative, renewable energy sources, and cut all credits to anyone who doesn’t (*cough* *cough* *Big Oil*). But don’t add a tax which ends up hurting everyone. Please.


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