Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Why do people still think the Earth is flat?

Because there are fucking idiots on our planet, that’s why.
Thank a teacher. Or a school district. Or a flawed public education system, that fails to prepare our children for life as productive members of society.
Doesn’t anyone understand how important it is to have the BEST schools in the world? At least you can see the importance of NOT having the WORST schools, right? Because schools teach this stuff. #Science…it’s about finding #Truth. Science isn’t a matter of opinion, unless you don’t understand the science behind things.
And we’s definitely raisin’ us some fools, who don’t get the science of ANYTHING. I mean, we’re talking about people who deny the world is round, while gravity is holding their ass to the couch cushion as they watch DirecTV…you know, from a satellite…in space…orbiting around…our planet. Which they think is flat, so…I’m sure there’s an interesting explanation for how THAT works. Seriously…these are the same morons who believe lies from a blowhard like #Trump.
They are the undereducated and the ignorant. They are the product of our leaders trying to keep us all stupid…to their benefit, and the benefit of their wealthy, invisible sponsors.
$700 BILLION to drop bombs on our “enemies” around the world. Our entire 2017 budget for #Education, not even 10% of that at $67 Billion. #WTF??! Who has OUR priorities up their asses?
Tell #Congress to properly fund #Education before it’s too late…if it isn’t already. #resist


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