Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Why has RT registered as a foreign agent with the US?

#RussiaToday (RT) is US News from a Russian perspective. As long as you understand that fact…that this is the #PutinApproved US News…when you are reading it, what’s the problem?
I mean, That is no more invalid than #FoxNews from a #GOP perspective or #MSNBC from the LIberal perspective. You just have to take the information in perspective. Sure, #RT doesn’t spend much time criticizing #Russia, in the same way that #Fox rarely criticizes the GOP (#Trump being a notable new…and increasingly frequent…exception). So what?
RT often covers our news without censorship…something OUR media has forgotten…which means you get news THEY don’t want you to see. You also get pure #propaganda pieces, and everything in between.
Know thy enemy. That’s what they say, anyway. Not that Russia need be our foe, but doesn’t it make sense to hear their side of the story anyway? America doesn’t need our media to protect us from “fake news”…we need to educate ourselves to recognize it. The best way to do that: Read EVERYTHING…not just OUR government’s “Approved” versions of the news.
Here in America, they can’t force you not to read foreign news like they do in Russia. All they can do is discredit the sources that dispute their “version of the truth”, and convince you that you are wasting your time reading anything except what The US Government and the approved news media outlets tell you is OK. Sounds like a recipe for a disaster to American Democracy, if you ask me. But it does explain why this political tit-for-tat move, forcing RT to register as a “foreign agent” goes deeper than first glance.
And yes, #Russia is doing the same to our media now too.


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