Thursday, June 4, 2020

A few thoughts for the day…

Here we are. Day 100 of COVID-19 lockdown…give or take. Over 100,000 dead and growing. Suddenly no one cares. All eyes and screens are on day 8 of protests and riots, police brutality, primed by the racist killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis’ Finest. It’s also 1231 days since Donald Jerkoff Trump began destroying the government and suspending civil rights wherever it suits him. Unfortunately, Trump still matters. Making things worse is his specialty, sowing polarity and divisions between us, he has now pushed us too far, to where most of us now stand together. Together, against Trump. Against the corruption and self-serving ego driven lust for power that defines him and his revolving door goon squad.

Everything he stands for is SHIT, a fraudulent copy of the real thing that is NOTHING resembling reality. His lies and ignorance are tearing the country apart, even as they tear down our institutions of justice and government. Our very republic is in jeopardy. Our democracy is being held hostage by the lies of a dictator who thinks nothing of using our troops to threaten the rights of American citizens, but was too big a pussy to serve in the ranks himself. Too good for the armed forces, he got Daddy to pay for a doctor’s note out of Vietnam for ‘bone spurs’.

Such a Loser. I just puked in my mouth a little. But hey it’s just 152 days until we get to vote him out. Assuming we have an election. Assuming he leaves after he loses. Assuming a LOT. Meanwhile, Moscow Mitch is helping him stack the courts against liberal judges and thwart any attempt at actual social justice, as the wholly corrupt GOP clings to the Senate and Presidency, both of which are surely in play this November…no matter what bullshit you hear on TV.

You know, Trump is not wrong about some things. He’s also not right about ANYTHING. But there’s a grain of truth in his “fake news” accusations. He’s blind to the same at Fox and Friends, but ALL the networks are fucking complicit. CNN and MSNBC are almost as much a part of the problem. PPP ‘Pure Political Propaganda’ networks Fox News and OAN maybe a bit worse, but almost every bit of news we get on TV, in print, or on the Web is twisted by spin doctors looking to maximize viewers and ad revenue, rather than providing accurate reports of the actual news, the unbiased Truth, without spin. No fluff. No peacocking it to sell ad time.

You gotta search hard for true journalists. True journalism. Like Edward R Murrow. Walter Cronkite. If you can find them at all.

If it’s not facts in evidence, it isn’t news. I really don’t care what you ‘think it means’ because I can think myself. Unless you KNOW what it means, STFU. Just show the pictures and describe what you see. That’s the job.

The day I see 24 hour, Ad-Free, unbiased fact based news reporting, I will stop bitching. Until then, all you 3 Letter Networks get your shit together and stop fanning the fucking fires of division, and maybe I’ll stop using 4 Letter words about you. ~jg


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