Friday, June 26, 2020

Just Thinking…by Jamie Gray 2020-06-27T01:01:55.000Z

I’ve been watching (from lockdown) as the COVID-19 pandemic launches into an exponential growth phase, all because everyone just decided the outbreak was over…or was just a hoax. They thought it would be safe to reopen. Smart even. Good for the economy. They got that idea because leadership of our country TOLD THEM that was the truth.
It’s becoming clear it was NOT the truth. Everyone has been lied to, and now thousands are going to die who didn’t have to.
It was GREAT for the ‘the economy’ if you mean the rich people. They made millions off government handouts intended to help businesses that were in actual need, while 42,000 Americans lost their jobs and business after business closed for good because PPP funds were denied.
125,000 Americans have now died from CoronaVirus. South Korea had their first case at the same time the US did, and only 300 people died because everyone understood the importance of Social Distancing and wearing a mask. They listened to their government leaders, who had the same information from China and WHO that the US Government had and told them the right thing to do, not what was politically convenient.
You can’t blame China. American deaths aren’t China’s fault. How did South Korea manage to do such a good job with the same info from the Chinese?
No, China wasn’t the problem. But Trump has been wrong from day one, imagining the virus would magically go away. He’s been wrong about it being a hoax, a conspiracy to bring his presidency down. He’s been wrong about masks and testing and…well, everything. This pandemic is real, and people are dying who didn’t have to die. Still, the ignorant buffoon denies the science, refuses to wear a mask or admit the experts are right.
No wonder Trump doesn’t want to count the infected. Their blood is on his hands…and there’s a LOT of blood. 125,000 American souls, who should be alive today…their deaths are his fault.
His guilt is obvious.
His ignorance is blatant.
The must be a consequence for this willful ignorance and the resultant murder of American citizens by a fool elected to the highest office.
Also folks…we need to be MUCH more selective in choosing our leaders. When Joe Biden looks GREAT when compared to the alternative, our bar is pretty fucking low. I mean, I’ll vote for him, but I won’t inhale. ~jg
Just Thinking ~ Thoughts on music, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…and other less political stuffs.
by Jamie Gray


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