Sunday, January 24, 2021

The New Revolution

I sometimes talk about revolution in songs I write. Because I believe in revolution. I think revolution is essential to true growth and change. Revolution is the only way to bring about true change when roadblocks and obstacles to doing the right thing cannot be surmounted by other means.

Peaceful revolution is evolved revolution. The evolution of revolution. You know, for the digital post-modern age. Revolutions of course, can be violent as well, but we must not allow our primitive fears and emotional preservation to make that choice for us. Peaceful protest is always more effective than violent acts of revolt. Protests must never be allowed to become acts of terrorism.

Musician and Writer, Jamie Gray

Violence must always be a last resort; an act of self defense. If we expect the world to see us as legitimate leaders, they must see a new generation of Americans. Not the policies of our grandparents, that Trump used to spur division, fear and hate, but policies of a new era.

Policies that represent the 75% of America that are already woke to upholding the truths that we SAY we stand for. That each person is equal under law, and everyone gets an equal chance in America. That the rich, white minority are not more entitled to fair treatment and opportunity than the rest of low-to-middle income, multicultural America that we truly are.

We, Purple America, America of ALL races and creeds, cannot let a small number of outspoken, self-serving, partisan, faux-Christian assholes leave our national American dream of homogeny and harmony in tatters of tyranny and tragedy.

Socially Distanced Biden Inauguration featured thousands of flags instead of people.

Evil only wins in darkness, when good people say and do nothing to expose it or stop it. Speak up. Do something. Rebuilding together, once we purge our government of those who stood against America. All of them.

~jamie gray 1-24-21


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