Monday, February 1, 2016

How Lead In Recycled Electronics Can Poison Workers’ Families

Sadder yet: The company paid a whopping $12000 fine for OSHA violations (i.e.. they were guilty of negligence), and went out of business leaving behind a toxic wasteland…and NO ONE GOES TO JAIL. #wtf

Harrell’s job was to feed discarded computer monitors and televisions to the Angel-Devil, a truck-sized shredding machine that chopped up cathode ray tubes and ground the glass from the screens into powder. He earned $10 per hour for his labor.

After his eight-hour shift, clad in the same skully hat and street clothes he typically wore throughout each day, he would greet his family, waiting in a car outside. His infant daughter Jeriyah was especially eager to be held and hugged, he recalled recently.

He didn’t know that those cuddles were poisoning his baby You don’t need to go near an e-scrap facility to suffer the harmful effects.

from WordPress

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