Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Supreme Court Block on Climate Change Rule Is Unprecedented

#SCOTUS apparently doesn’t want to wait around to see if they get to hear the case, they’re just handing out rulings without hearing any arguments? Don’t they have a stack of cases they are SUPPOSED to be hearing? Maybe they should just rule on all of them as well…you know…no reason to wait and hear any arguments or listen to testimony. Who needs that.

Hey SCOTUS…stop being a political tool and weigh these cases on their merits…which it is obvious you haven’t in this case…you know…since you didn’t actually try the case or anything.

“Apparently for the first time ever, the U.S. Supreme Court last night, by a 5-4 vote, blocked a federal regulation from taking effect while that rule was still up for review in a federal appeals court.”

“Not satisfied with that expedited schedule, the five Justices reached down and took sides in a regulatory dispute that a lower court was still considering. That just hasn’t happened before.” Apparently for the first time ever, the U.S. Supreme Court last night, by a 5-4 vote, blocked a federal regulation from taking effect while that rule was still up for review in a federal appeals…

from WordPress

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