Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Whats next for Bernie Sanders?

I don’t get it. Not one single mention about what I think is the BIGGEST question establishment democrats have to worry about: The FBI and those pesky classified emails. Bernie may have given her a pass on the FBI investigation about her email server, but Trump never will. The evidence is pretty clear that she willfully ignored the NSA and violated national security policy by setting up her server. That action was was the direct cause resulting in 22 now considered “Top Secret” emails getting into the hands of foreign national & hacker Guccifer. In further violation of security policy, Hillary sent this information to her buddy, Sid Blumenthal, despite his lack of ANY security clearances at all, which further facilitated the breach. We know that the fact that the email wasn’t labeled “Top Secret” at the time is no excuse, based on the affidavits she signed. All in all it is clear: It’s NOT a forgone conclusion that she won’t face charges. In fact, the evidence is so compelling that, if the FBI decided NOT to press charges, the accusations of collusion and graft will likely be as damaging to any future campaign against Trump. He won’t let it go like Bernie has, and he’ll be on the right side of the issue. All in all, If I were Bernie I would start pushing for the FBI to get off the fence. For the good of the party. IF they are going to press charges, HE should be the nominee. She cannot run for president while facing charges…America isn’t a Banana Republic. So tell the FBI to get off the fence and do it already. IF they aren’t going to press charges, Bernie will probably still be a better choice for the party because nobody will believe the FBI and DOJ decided not to press charges because there isn’t enough evidence. We all know it will be because the Clinton Machine applied pressure until they caved. Charges of corruption will fly. Everyone will see the real picture. Clinton’s negative likability rating will get even worse. That kind of corruption is exactly the recipe that creates President Trump. Wake up, DNC before it’s too late. Delaying this investigation will only cost you in the long run. Get off the fence and let the chips start falling. share if you agree. ~jg #DNC #Clinton #emails #Election2016 #Bernie #FBI #Comey #corruption #Hillary #Shillary #NSA #DemocracySpring The People For Bernie Sanders 2016 Bernie Sanders U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders Democracy Awakening Campaign Manager Jeff Weaver said Bernie Sanders will appeal to Democratic superdelegates, even if he doesn’t have lead in either pledged delegates or the popular vote

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