Friday, April 22, 2016

Why US Govt. And Saudi Arabia Dont Want Americans Knowing the Truth About 9/11 Anonymous

With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemies? Basically, we need to stand up to Saudi Arabia. They are not good allies, have a horrible record on human rights and are trying to hold the US ransom for $750 billon. If our government had any balls at all, they would tell the Saudis to shove their $750 billion up their asses and go fuck a camel. With allies like that, we don’t need enemies. We need the truth. And if the Saudis are involved, they are NOT our allies and must be punished for the attacks. What the hell are we worried about? Oh yeah…big money corps that are threatening Congress with the same fate…”No Campaign Contributions for YOU if you pass that bill”. Congress needs to tell those corporations which stand to lose that $750B that they will just have to write it off as a loss. Hey Washington. Enough bribery. Stop being whores. It’s not working. ~jg #StopGovernmentWhoredom #NoCorporateBlackmail #NoSaudiBlackmail #GoFuckACamel #Obama #congress #Saudi #Truth911 By: In a rare show of bipartisanship, President Obama and top Republicans in Congress have come together to shield Americans from knowing the truth about who was behind the 9/11 terror attacks, which took the lives of 2996 people in 2001. However strange it is for neoconservative me…

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