Monday, September 12, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s health scare highlights her campaign’s pervasive paranoia

Repost–Oops…it was supposed to have a link ~jg
All I can say is God help us if she ends up in the White House. The woman can’t tell the truth about ANYTHING. EVERYTHING is a fucking coverup. “I’m fine” –> “It’s Just allergies” –> “Just the heat” –> “Oh by the way, it was pneumonia. Sorry for the germs, I’m not.” –>>>What is it REALLY? Maybe you should drop out of the race if it’s so bad you feel you have to lie about it. Maybe Bernie will get to be nominee after all? I hate to say it, but I have my tin hat on, fingers crossed and I’m knocking on wood. Jeezus Hillary– TELL THE FUCKING TRUTH Hillary Clinton? STOP LYING (ps. pneumonia is usually/often a complication of something else..just saying)


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