Friday, September 9, 2016

Norway PM joins ‘napalm girl’ protest against Facebook

The idea that Facebook thinks they have the right to censor your content at all is outrageous.
Social Media should not be allowed to be the gatekeeper of what you are, and are not, allowed to see. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to follow them…and it won’t show up in your feed. Paid content is another story, but user content should be uncensored except for ACTUAL THREATS of terrorism or physical harm to another. The thing about censoring hate speech and nudity is that it becomes subjective at some point…the point where nudity becomes offensive and words become weapons is difficult to determine because everyone has a different viewpoint. What offends you may be my guilty pleasure on a week night. The First Amendment says that you need to get over it…and Facebook needs to stay out of the way.

And if you are thinking that censorship is OK because it might save someone thinking of killing themselves because they just can’t take the online abuse anymore…well, how about they just avoid Facebook for awhile? Toughen up people…those of us who were picked on our whole lives and survived, we know the truth…abuse makes you tougher, unless you let them win by giving up. Never give up. You don’t need Facebook to fight your battles for you. Wow. How did I get here from there lol ~jg


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