Monday, October 24, 2016

Jamie Gray October 24, 2016 at 04:04PM

It turns out that I’m pretty pissed off about the state of our country, and I need to RANT.

I’ve always been a critic of the establishment. But never have the “haves” been so much better off than the rest of us than right now. The divide is SO broad, that most people cannot truly even imagine the difference. Said another way, never has the exploitation of the american worker been so absolute by the corporate “machine” and ruling class. Yes, we have a ruling class…you see it now…right?

So what you say? Well, plenty of case histories can be found in the past few centuries: The workers won’t be complacent much longer.

The crushing weight of the class divide is tearing at the fabric of our nation. People are getting desperate. The REAL reason for most of the excess violence in this country is PEOPLE ARE UNFUCKINGHAPPY. People who lose their security and no longer feel comfortable become scared and hopeless. Hopeless people do fucked up things. Sooner or later, things have to change.

We can do things the easy way or the hard way. The EASY way is to make sure that EVERYONE in the most privileged of nations has access to affordable/free healthcare, education, food and shelter. Anything less amounts to discrimination. All the luxuries, profits, wealth, and excesses of the establishment are perfectly fine with me…make all the fucking money you want. AFTER you make sure that no one goes hungry. Not until you make provision that no one is ever denied the BEST medical care available because they cannot afford it. Not until you decide that it’s important that ALL children have the right to the BEST education they can qualify for REGARDLESS OF INCOME…or where they live…or the color of their skin.

You see, these few things are integral to our lives. We ALL need them, and society as a whole benefits when EVERYONE gets them. More importantly, to deny them to anyone is inhuman, and not accidentally, UnConstitutional. These are basic rights. They CANNOT be denied ANYONE.

It’s time to dispense with all forms of Jim Crow, blame-the-victim mentality, and get with the rest of the western world. Socialism is NOT the evil Communists taking over our country and ruining America. It’s America deciding it’s time to take care of Her own children. It’s America standing up for the rights of minorities, as well as rich white guys and corporate fatcats. You can still be greedy, AFTER helping the needy.

What’s the hard way you ask? You’re looking at it. The growing police state. Racial tension is about as high as in the late 60s. Voices of Truth are being painted as subversive to protect the criminals in power from prosecution. None of the Elite Class EVER seem to pay for their crimes, but if you’re poor and brown, they’ll lock you up for years, just for getting high to try and forget how shitty your life is.

Meanwhile, a rich white kid can get wasted on booze and kill an entire family with his Dad’s Hummer and get probation…we wouldn’t want to hurt his chances to get into a good college and be a productive part of society, now would we? No hypocrisy or racism here at all. How many black families have been TORN APART thanks to “Stop and Frisk” and similar tactics that turned into Three Strikes and a Jail Sentence faster than an alley cat in a room full of rocking chairs?

It’s right in front of our faces. They smug-facedly smacked us over the head with this fact, by giving us two of the biggest criminals as THE fucking Presidential candidates. BOTH of them should be in jail, but neither will ever be tried. Instead, one of them MAY end up in the Fucking Whitehouse! What The Fucking Fuck Is That Fucking Shit?!?!?

“Steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king” ~ Bob Dylan (Nobel Winner With the Most Fuck You Attitude Ever)

It’s too late, guys. You can try to deceive us…maybe you can hold things together for awhile with more lies, deception and misdirection. For Awhile. But America has seen behind the curtain, and if things don’t change, things will only get worse. Much worse.

#jfs #election2016


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