Friday, October 7, 2016

Traffic deaths in the US have seen the biggest increase in 50 years—and nobody knows why

I can tell you why: Nobody can fucking drive, that’s why!
Honestly, self driving cars can’t come soon enough. All of the safety advances and conveniences that have gone into automobiles in the past 30 years, have turned drivers into distracted clods who see no merit in improving their driving skills, because they believe that the car will protect them. Cars are safe right?…so why should they have to learn how to actually drive?
Back when there were no seatbelts or airbags in cars, and crashing usually meant serious injury or death, learning how to operate your vehicle to the best of your ability had REAL merit…it could save your life. For years I refused to wear my seatbelt (while insisting that my passengers wore theirs) so that I would not lose sight of the fact that a crash could mean DEATH for me or my riders. It kept me SHARP. Always alert. Sure, it was more dangerous…but driving is a dangerous activity. It is RISKY. You can DIE. If you believe there is no risk, you get complacent…distracted driving is the result of that complacency. I know…the cell phone is a distraction. That coffee. The radio. There are no end of potential distractions behind the wheel. But if you were really focused on the road and driving, they wouldn’t distract you any more that shifting gears or putting on your turn signal. You CAN use your hands for other things AND operate a vehicle safely. As long as your priority is THE ROAD.
The REAL distraction for drivers is the illusion of safety. We hurtle ourselves around at a mile a minute in a daydream, sipping our coffee…thinking about our jobs, families, school, friends…whatever is important in our lives, and “forget” that no matter how safe the airbags and seatbelts and collision avoidance devices are, it’s still ultimately up to US to stay safe by keeping our heads in the game and our skills sharp.
It’s that second point that is most often neglected. Driving is a skill, one that you improve at with more practice. I look at every ride I take as an opportunity to improve my skills…and I have been driving for 40 fucking years. Meanwhile, most drivers I encounter out there don’t even know the fucking rules of the road anymore. How are you going to stay safe if you don’t even know the fucking RULES OF DRIVING? Get a self driving car, that’s how.
Yes…self driving vehicles cannot come soon enough. All of you idiots who turn the key and then drive around as if someone else is ALREADY at the wheel, and all you dumbasses who grip the wheel with fear as you try to convince yourself that you aren’t scared shitless every single minute that you are behind the wheel …you will all be able to get around without putting every other car on the road at risk of your ineptitude behind the wheel.
Then, for the rest of us who love the sport of driving and perfecting the art of vehicle control, the roads will become much, MUCH safer.


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