Thursday, December 1, 2016

Donald Trump’s deal for American jobs doesn’t look as good in the light of day

Not such a good deal for his first deal. A GOOD deal would’ve threatened to pull the several BILLION dollar defense contracts if they move ANYONE overseas. But that’s NOT what Trump/Pence did.
Instead, they basically kept less than half of the jobs in the USA…1300 of 2300 total are still moving to Mexico. Meanwhile, the company is getting tax breaks and incentives from the Government…which means we’re paying to keep them here.
Carrier threatened to leave, and instead of threatening to pull their lucrative government contracts, Trump and Pence bribed them to stay. That sets a pretty poor precedent that hopefully won’t be followed by too many companies looking for a government handout.
It also shows pretty clearly that Trump isn’t the AMAZING dealmaker he claims to be.


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