Saturday, December 3, 2016

How the Media Iced Out Bernie Sanders & Helped Donald Trump Win

If anyone thinks the primaries and election were fair, you obviously are delusional.
Money and the media need to stay out of the way of politics, and let democracy work. Our system is so corrupted, and nothing is what it seems. It’s just a dog and pony show, starring puppets on the strings of the uber wealthy and the mega-disinformation machine we call “The News”. It’s all just a system of bullshit designed to keep the powerful in power, and the rest of us exploited by the former…until we wake up and demand better.
You see…the only thing they CAN’T fight is when we all unify and DEMAND change. THAT is why they try so hard to keep us polarized, and focused on our differences…instead of our common problems that they COULD solve if they wanted to, but choose to avoid instead, to satisfy the corporate voices. Those voices, backed by limitless funds to entice the favor of Congress, can be so much louder than the voice of the People. That is, until we, en masse, stop listening to their lies designed to divide us, and come together take back our rights and freedoms; force them to answer to the majority.
We The People hold the power. We ARE the power…but only if we learn how to put aside our differences to use the power we have.


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