Friday, December 2, 2016

Record 95,055,000 Americans Out Of The Labor Force

Want to know why the Government keeps running a deficit? Maybe because 35% of Americans aren’t working…and therefore aren’t paying taxes.

You see, it all depends on how you interpret the statistics. Sure, you can claim we have record low 5-6% unemployment…but first you have to leave 95 million Americans out of your math. You know…like 30% of the US Population…just don’t bother counting them. This number conveniently keeps growing, allowing the talking heads to tell us about 5% unemployment…which actually is more like 35%.
65% of Americans are left to pay 100% of the costs of being America. THAT’s a major reason why we are $20 TRILLION light in our collective wallet…and that number just keeps growing…and will continue to grow, until we can’t make the payments anymore. Which won’t be long once interest rates on that huge debt, now basically ZERO, start creeping up.
Our poor grandchildren…or more likely our children at this point, will have to deal with a huge mess if we don’t fix it first…and Trump shows no signs of fixing it.
Trickle-down economic stimulus didn’t work in the 1980s…and it certainly ain’t gonna work now either. So basically…we’re fucked.


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