Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The American Dream is Declared Dead. But No One is Complaining. Here’s Why

“How did the war on poverty become a war on the poor?”

The easy answer always works for the wealthy…blame the poor for their own poverty. They aren’t in any position to defend themselves. The system IS rigged…and it ain’t getting any better with the panel of mobsters and corporate monarchs that are being assembled to run this country by Trump Inc.

“income inequality is economic genocide” committed by the wealthy class against the poorest citizens of this nation. Every American should be ashamed that we let things get this bad.

Extra Credit Question: Besides the USA, name any another country in the world that is neither communist nor at least partially socialist. Actually, public schools and medicaid are examples of socialism right here in America. Just not very good ones in terms of fairness and equality.

Basically, we’re sticking with “some people…the RICH ones…deserve better healthcare and education than others” no matter what the rest of the world is doing.


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