Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Earth Is Losing 10 Billion Trees Every Year

How long can we keep tearing down the trees which sustain us at this rate? Not long, I promise you.
Just 300 years if you do the math based on all the trees on earth. But we’ll feel the effects long before all the trees are gone. 10% will be gone in 30 years at this pace. Just that 10% will drastically upset the CO2 balance, because that”s 10% less trees to process CO2 into O2. Trees also cool the earth, so, that’s 10% less cooling. More fires. More erosion. This shit gets exponential really quickly. By the time we convince the last denier, it will be way too late.
Please Share if you Agree.
#ClimateChange #SaveTheEarth #LoveYourMother #EveryDayIsEarthDay


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