Thursday, November 2, 2017

Hellcat-Powered Toyota “PriuSRT8” Is a Different Kind of Prius—Very Different

I STILL wouldn’t drive that piece of crap. Seriously. There is no vehicle on the road more hated by actual drivers. Admit it…if you are in a hurry, and you get stuck behind a Prius…what is your first thought?
a) “Oh FUCK NO!?”
b) “Why Me!?!?”
c) “Not a Fucking PRIUS…I’ll never fucking get there!”
d) “Aaaarrrggghhhh!!!”
e) All of the above

The fact that it has a #HellCat #Hemi in it does NOT make it OK. Not even a little.

#mopar #NotMopar #hemi #hellcat #prius


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