WTF Trump?! Are you actually threatening the people of America who disagree with you? Are you trying to incite your idiot followers to take up violence, to fight those Democrats and Independents who call you out? Because that fascist shit won’t stand here, Mr. Trump. With all due respect (which for you is due a very small quantity) there are good people on both sides of Congress, and they will not allow their allegiance to you, to see our country dragged into civil unrest over your stupidity. America First. Party loyalty always plays second string.
The Article ‘Trump suggests that it could get ‘very bad’ if military, police, biker supporters play ‘tough” originally appeared on https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/434110-trump-suggests-that-things-could-get-very-bad-if-military-police
Jamie’s comments are his own.
More: https://jamiegraymusic.com/wordpress/2019/03/trump-suggests-that-it-could-get-very-bad-if-military-police-biker-supporters-play-tough/
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