Fine. Let’s see it. BEFORE you get rid of Obamacare. Let’s have a replacement ready, rather than just leaving millions of Americans without affordable coverage.
Maybe people would appreciate and understand your attempts at Presidenting more if you actually had documented PLANS and FOLLOWED THEM, instead of just knee jerk policies by tweet and stupid executive orders that make zero sense without follow up.
Maybe people would appreciate and understand your attempts at Presidenting more if you actually had documented PLANS and FOLLOWED THEM, instead of just knee jerk policies by tweet and stupid executive orders that make zero sense without follow up.
The Article ‘Trump vows to have a health plan ‘far better than Obamacare” originally appeared on https://www.politico.com/story/2019/03/27/trump-health-care-obamacare-1238927
Jamie’s comments are his own.
More: https://jamiegraymusic.com/wordpress/2019/03/trump-vows-to-have-a-health-plan-far-better-than-obamacare/
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