Friday, May 14, 2021

Republicans: The party of fear and lies.

Once upon a time, the Republican party stood for small government, family values, low taxes and States’ rights. Not anymore.

Honest Abe would shudder at the state of the Republican Party, The Party of Lincoln.

As an independent, I’ve voted for Republicans because they were people of honor and character. These days, it’s hard to see any truth for all of the lies.

Trumpian Republicans aren’t real Republicans. They are just using the GOP, a party that had already lost its center thanks to right-to-life extremists and an obstructionist platform, to sully the American drinking trough with the foul and muddy water of propaganda and lies.

Republicans embraced the Big Lie because they are being held hostage by the Big Liar.

Instead of embracing new technologies and sustainable energy, they spread fear and lies. Green energy will cost jobs. Clean energy is too expensive. Whatever it takes to keep things how they are.

But, it turns out that everything they say is a lie. It turns out they’ve never embraced truth or science or morality. It turns out that none of that matters to them.

The only thing they live for is party loyalty, as the party desperately clings to power. Power vested in a minority of rich white male egomaniacs, who believe they are better than the rest of us. They talk about America, but not about the America of many cultures. They mean WHITE America.

Jamie Gray – Musician, Writer and Critic of The Idiocracy.

The America most of us live in is NOT the America they pursue. In their America, the strong dominate the weak. It’s every wolf for himself. Mercy and compassion are a weakness to be overcome.

They say ‘If you’re poor, you’re a failure. Probably lazy.’ The wealthy love to blame people for their predicament.

Capitol under siege by Trump loyalists on January 6 2021

It’s time to stop blaming, and start doing something about it. It’s amazing to me that we COULD fix so many of our problems, but our leaders CHOOSE NOT TO, and Republicans lead the way in the obstruction of every policy that benefits anyone except their rich, corporate overlords.

It’s pretty obvious that the Republican party needs to change in order to survive. They will probably continue down what looks like a path to their own destruction, but it’s important to note that the GOP could seize the opportunity, and do a LOT better. Maybe even become a force for positive change.

More likely, they’ll just keep changing for the worse. ~jg


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