Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Spin is Not, in fact Truth

If you’re only getting your news from one source, or from a handful of sources that publish opinion stories that you agree with, you aren’t getting the Truth. The Truth can only be confirmed by multiple, objective, independent sources. The Truth can only be confirmed with facts.

Rumors you read on Reddit or Facebook, or theory-based reporting from partisan ‘news’ outlets like MSNBC, FOX, OAN, NewsMax and others should be taken as such: they are THEORIES. That means you still need FACTS to confirm or disprove.

Being objective means you base your world view on EVIDENCE.

Because a bunch of comments on Tiktok posts say the same thing, doesn’t mean it’s true. ‘A lot of people say’ doesn’t make it true. It just means a lot of people THINK it’s true. If they’ve been lied to, and didn’t fact-check their information, how would you know?

I’m an independent. To stay objective, I read news from all around the world. I take each story in context of ‘Who Published It’ and ‘Who else can confirm it’. If I read an article in Russia Today, I take it as probable Russian spin, possible propaganda. Yet some of the stories are perfectly factual, confirmed by multiple other news outlets.

Musician & Independent Thinker, Jamie Gray

MSNBC will put a left wing spin. Fox will spin it to the right. If you watch BOTH of them and CNN, the facts will be the one’s they all agree on. Sometimes you may have to ignore one side or the other because they are ignoring the facts. Some of the ‘News agencies’ do that more than others, but that’s a rant for another time.

The bottom line is pretty fucking simple: Confirm EVERYTHING by other sources. MULTIPLE sources. Multiple OBJECTIVE sources. That’s the key. What facts are confirmable? Which ones are guesses? Spin?

The truth will set you free. It’s out there…you just have to take the time to look FOR the facts. So you can look AT the FACTS, not the spin they WANT you to believe. If they have to TRY to convince you, it’s probably bullshit. ~jg

Authors Note: All opinions expressed here are just that: opinions. If you don’t like mine, I probably won’t like yours either. Let’s just nod, and walk away. Maybe come back with solutions instead of opinions. Because of the two, only solutions actually matter.


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