If it wasn’t for the momentum she had from the huge PUSH the DNC’s favoritism-by-superdelegate system gave her to start…followed by months of the biased corporate media (mostly owned by Hillary supporters) shoving her pre-anointed ass down our throats…she would have lost. Badly.
I look forward to Bernie going third party indie and laying some serious whoop-ass on both Hillary The Criminal and the Orange One in November. They’ll both be feeling the Bern then. We’ll ALL be feeling the Bern.
#BernBabyBern #TheStruggleContinues
#election2016 #hillary #bernie #feelthebern http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jun/08/bernie-sanders-slogan-democratic-nomination-hillary-clinton Democratic candidate’s campaign perseveres despite Hillary Clinton’s delegate count but seems to be shifting focus to long-term impact on US politics

from WordPress https://jamiegraymusic.wordpress.com/2016/06/09/the-struggle-continues-sanders-new-slogan-looks-beyond-nomination/
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