Saturday, November 4, 2017

Can Los Angeles repair the damage done by the war on marijuana?

The war on drugs has done little to reduce drug use or illegal drug trafficking. Punishing people for the choice of drugs they use to “take the edge off” a shitty day, is fundamentally wrong. Destroying a family by locking up Mom for having a valium addiction problem would be unthinkable in #GreenwichCT., but if Mom’s trying to cope with survival in #Detroit with a few bong hits after work and a couple lines if coke, she’s an unfit mother who must be deprived of her rights, locked up, kids in foster homes, family in tatters. Who gave The Government the right to destroy families they choose?

The only basis for the war on drugs is the same as the Crusades…to save the heathen from themselves. These are rich, conservative, white mans laws, designed to deprive minorities of their rights by creating crimes to unlawfully prosecute them for. #OnwardChristianSoldiers and such. They’d probably call it “fighting the good fight”. Really, it’s no different than a cop breaking your taillight to write you a ticket…and when you object, calling it resisting arrest, planting evidence and throwing the book at you. Seriously…the system is THAT rigged against people of color.

Far right assholes need to understand that the right to get high is fundamentally Constitutional. Telling someone which drugs they can or can’t choose to use…or become addicted to…because your god doesn’t like their drug…well that just farts in the #FirstAmendment’s face doesn’t it?


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