Saturday, November 4, 2017

The Three Types of Leaders Who Create Radical Change

“Every successful social movement requires three distinct leadership roles: the agitator, the innovator, and the orchestrator, according to institutional change expert Julie Battilana.”

Are you a leader? Are you ready for change?
Me…I’m an agitator and sometimes innovator. Also an avid procrastinator…not much of an orchestrator. I’m not sure that makes me a leader. More like an instigator. Truly, I’d like to see a leaderless revolt…but I suppose that would require educating the masses, and nobody powerful wants THAT to happen.
I digress a bit. But hey…it’s time we ALL get a bit agitated, isn’t it? I mean, how long can we be expected to sit back and let our government…both parties, the whole schabang…screw the most of us over in order to let the few…the privileged…the think-they’re-better-than-everyone-elses…get richer? The wealthy either need to learn to kick down or get out…You can’t go around flaunting your lavish lifestyle as you take food, medicine, and dignity away from your fellow Americans. Not even if you deprive them of the education they need to know how to fight back. Not even in the name of war and the associated government profiteering by the “defense industry”…Few industries are more profitable, thanks to ample Government help…you know, by by creating war.
#Profits. That’s how we got “preemptive, undeclared war in the name of national security”…who ever heard of such a ridiculously Unconstitutional thing? — which if anything, it creates more martyrs and makes Americans less safe everywhere in the world…even here. #NotSafer
Folks, we won’t TRULY be safe at home until ALL Americans are guaranteed their basic right to survival…food, shelter, education, clothing, medicine…these are all NECESSITIES of life, and NO ONE, citizen or not, should be deprived of ANY of these basic rights in the name of profit in America. Who the fuck are we, 19th century England? Shall we open up debtors prisons too? Maybe electroshock treatment will cure their poverty. Have we tried Leeches?
#Socialism is a dirty word in America, mainly because the fear mongers want us to associate it with #Communism, which as we all know is EVIL. What it really comes down to is actually more evil than that. Pure Capitalists insist that if you give people things for free, you turn them into lazy sloths who just want more free stuff. While there’s some merit to that, it’s pretty simple to design a system that fixes poverty, rather than perpetuating it…IF you want to. It’s pretty clear by the way our social “safety net” works that nobody who designed it REALLY wanted to help the poor escape poverty.
Being poor is not a choice one makes, so as to live high on the hog on the backs of taxpayers. Trust me when I say, NOBODY is living high on any hogs on public assistance. Just enough to keep them alive, not enough to help them get OFF the public teat once they are on it…other than maybe cold turkey thanks to government cutbacks. The system actually works very hard to keep the poor poor, instead of addressing the cause of that poverty, and the only one’s living high on the hog in America are the top 1%.
Yes I said it…I told myself I wouldn’t resort to the 1% cliche, because well, truthfully, it’s probably more like 2 or 3%, but there I went. Whatever the percentage, you know who I mean. Those crazy, hog wild folks, living it up, free from worry about basic survival, getting all the prime pork, while the 97% of the rest of us are eating whatever is on sale that we can afford or scrounge up from…where ever.
Socialism REALLY means #Capitalism with A Conscience. It means true social justice, the kind the racists and haters don’t want to discuss. Once EVERYONE has a home, is getting fed, is going to a GREAT school that prepares ALL students…AND ALL of AMERICA…for the next century, THEN you can make all the money you want. Once no one has to worry about what happens to them…or their families…if they get sick or become disabled, THEN you can squeeze every last penny of profits out of every transaction.
Until then, I hold government liable. Allowing corporations to profit while people in the communities they operate in…sometimes even their own employees…go without these basic essentials, should be unthinkable for a politician. But we all know most of them don’t actually work for their voters, rather than their corporate sponsors, don’t we?
Profits without progress is only possible on the backs of the workers. We must demand our rights, and FORCE our government to make the corporate overlords figure out some OTHER way to profit, rather than at the expense of America’s citizens.
Are you a leader who creates radical change? Well, get on with it then.

#resist #powerinnumbers #JustSayFUCKNo #Vote #SpeakUp for #justice


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