Friday, November 3, 2017

Republicans Sneak Anti-Abortion Language Into Tax Bill

Here’s another case where a minority of Americans are trying to force their religious beliefs upon the rest of us. THAT is what Anti-Abortionists are…a SMALL, but outspoken minority. Politically speaking, they are among the fringe of Christianity; Christians who are so radicalized, that some even consider violence to stop abortions.

Wow. How Jesus-like…a ticket to heaven for sure. How many virgins do radical Christian terrorists get in heaven? More than 40 right…I mean Christianity, is like the America of religions…the BEST in the world, right? #PraiseTheLord

Luckily, the First Amendment says that you CANNOT legislate your religion upon the rest of us. OUR religious freedoms are also protected, not just your disturbed flavor of Christianity. If you feel abortion is wrong, then don’t have one. Encourage everyone you meet not to have one. Protest peacefully against abortion, and try to EDUCATE everyone you can to the facts. But remember: You’re a HUGE minority IF you want it to be illegal.

That doesn’t mean that anyone WANTS to have an abortion. Most people already know abortion sucks, but also realize that it’s sometimes necessary. Nobody who understands an abortion would enjoy or want to have one. Nobody thinks that an abortion is a good alternative to birth control…except maybe the completely uninformed, denied birth control and good information on avoiding pregnancy…thanks to some LAW you passed to protect their “Christian values”.

These supposedly “Christian” laws are unconstitutional, religious-biased, pieces of garbage legislation, created by “wanna-be-saved-Christian” zealots masquerading as GOP politicians as they wait for the Rapture. You people do not deserve to serve in office if you only wish to serve the religious right…you are sworn to serve ALL Americans and protect the WHOLE Constitution, not just the people and institutions that benefit your religious agenda. Don’t like it? Don’t run for office.

America was NOT founded by Christian fundamentalists, as many in the far right like to falsely assert. America was founded by men of several religions, as well as atheists, who understood that not everyone shares the same beliefs, but that we all need to learn to live together under a common set of rules ANYWAY. Cooperation is required. Cooperation does not mean forcing your extreme values on others by hiding them in a TAX bill of 800 pages you hope no one will really read. We have the internet now. We actually read this bullshit. Well, some of us do.


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