Friday, November 3, 2017

U.S. strikes target Islamic State militants in Somalia: official

Did you know we were bombing in Somalia? I guess if you say you’re bombing rhe #IslamicState, it makes it OK to open up another front in an undeclared war on an ideolgy pretty much wherever you want.

The #WarOnTerror, like the #WarOnDrugs is a FAILED artificial construct of the US Government to justify its actions which fall outside the limits of our Constitution. Prosecuting wars in any country we choose, in the name of “safety” is not any more Constitutional than it is making us safer. Every bomb dropped creates new martyrs and new ‘terrorists’ to avenge the deaths of family and innocents. Every ILLEGAL bomb we are dropping in a war which our Congress has never declared.

We’re not “winning” anything, if victory requires the murder of civilian women and children in the name of victory. War must be a last refuge in a civilized society, not a preemptive step you take to ensure your survival when you ‘feel’ threatened. You CANNOT fire the first shot and call it self defense.


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